In the past few days, college entrance examination results have been announced one after another in various places. Some are happy and some are sad. It is the college entrance examination season again, the growth season, and of course the very important season of choice in life.

In the past few days, college entrance examination results have been released in various places. Some are happy and some are sad. It is the college entrance examination season, the growth season, and of course the very important season of choice in life. Just like Lu Yao said in "Life" Talking about " Although the road of life is long, critical points are often only a few steps, especially when people are young. No one's life path is straight and without forks. " This step of the college entrance examination is very important to most students. It is really important to say that it is a key step for whether you can gain a foothold in society in the future. Although it is an exaggeration to say this, the college entrance examination is a fateful competition for every Longmen student.

Whenever I take the college entrance examination, I always ask myself, why do I want to study medicine? Is studying medicine really what I originally imagined that when I enter the medical hall, I will become a medical expert, be noticed, respected and admired by others? ! Or is it really like the rumors circulating on the Internet that studying medicine is really that painful and unbearable? I feel that these are not my true feelings. If I want to truly understand how I feel now, I think there is a question that I should answer first: "Why should I study medicine?" Many people will have many reasons, such as doctors. There is a lot of income, a lot of red envelopes, a high status, and a stable job. Of course, some of it is true, for example, the job is relatively stable and respected by most people. Of course some of them are also fake, such as red envelopes and the appearance of doctors in the eyes of laymen or ordinary people.

I want to say that my idea of ​​studying medicine has nothing to do with the above. My idea is selfish. I was still in high school at that time. As a child of an ordinary family, if a close relative at home is sick, he will go everywhere to seek medical advice. I asked for connections everywhere, looked for experts everywhere, and looked for folk remedies and medicines everywhere, but to no avail in the end. I saw my loved ones losing weight day by day, having difficulty breathing day by day, and not even having the strength to speak at the end. If it were you, how did you feel? I was most concerned at that time. The simple thought is, it would be great if I were a doctor, how great it would be if I could treat this disease. This idea is like a seed, taking root and sprouting in my heart. I want to study medicine, and I want to be a good doctor. I could take care of things when my family members were sick, so that was my original intention of studying medicine. Although I don’t have the ideal of medical experts to help the world, nor the ambition to save patients all over the world, this is what I thought when I was a high school student.

I am very lucky. I finally had the opportunity to choose a clinical major in a medical school. Looking back now, although I am not very good now, I am still very grateful to myself for working very hard in the past and making me what I am now. At that time, our medical school only admitted 4 people from each province, and 1 person from each major. I was admitted by stumble. In fact, when I chose to study medicine, I had no idea what the clinical major was, what the imaging major was, and what the preventive major was. , what is the major of pharmacy? From the name, I just think that the clinical major may be the major that allows me to become a doctor. After entering

, I slowly understood what medicine is about. There are endless courses, endless test papers, and endless memorization of medical terms. During this learning process, I kept asking myself one question, I When can I see a doctor? Day after day, year after year, I have completed courses on anatomy, biochemistry, biochemistry and physiology, physiology and pathology, diagnosis, internal and external medicine, ENT, and so on. I took the course schedule and thought that after I learned diagnosis, I would be able to see a doctor. However, the reality is always cruel. The process of medical learning is a process of integration. All learning is the foundation and all learning is the foreshadowing. It cannot be just Whichever subject you study, you will learn all the skills of a doctor. Therefore, five years in college is a process for me to understand medicine, and it is also a process for medicine to understand me. What I want to say here is that if you want to study medicine, undergraduate degree is really just the beginning. It just opens the door to medicine. The world inside is very big, waiting for you to explore a little bit.

When I realized the pressure of employment and the high academic requirements, my classmates and I joined the postgraduate entrance examination army. After half a year of hard work, most of my classmates and I were admitted to the majors we wanted to study. When we were in college, Some boys like orthopedics. That year, 11 of my classmates and I were admitted to the postgraduate program in orthopedics, so there was a lot of pressure and competition for everyone's graduate jobs. Looking back now, if I had had the determination to take the postgraduate entrance examination in the college entrance examination, I might have had a better choice.

In fact, it is only after graduate school that we really deal with patients, get to know patients and diseases seriously, and then feed back what we have learned to clinical work. Only then can we become more capable and understand more about diseases and further improve them. Own. The biggest gain for me as a graduate student is that I have more direct contact with patients, do scientific research with my mentor, and do research with my seniors. This has cultivated my own clinical concepts and my own scientific research thinking. This is my biggest gain. After working at

, my dream of studying for a Ph.D. has not come true due to various reasons. There are reasons for the unit, reasons for myself, and reasons for the supervisor. After graduating from graduate school, the thing that impressed me deeply is that every time I go to Beijing to see The doctoral supervisor I plan to apply for, Academician Lu, although he is nearly 90 years old, is tutoring his students for thesis defense. Every time, Mr. Lu tells me to work hard and work hard! I am encouraged every time, maybe because studying was so smooth in the past, but now it is really a bumpy road to study for a Ph.D. Only those who have experienced it know what they have experienced. The fate is not what people want. When I applied for the Ph.D. in 2020, Lu He passed away. When I heard the news, I was deeply saddened. My dream of taking the Ph.D. examination came to an abrupt end at that time. It was because I missed Mr. Lu and I was once again hesitant about my major. Where should I go? I am faced with choices all the time in my life.

Studying for a Ph.D. has always been my dream, not only to enrich my medical knowledge, but also to learn more clinical techniques and improve myself so that I can better solve diseases for more patients. This process of change has actually given me more knowledge. Knowing myself, my little superficial experience keeps telling me that in fact, we are getting to know the world and ourselves all the time. Our study is not just to simply get a degree. In fact, it is to better explore the world and discover more. Be good to yourself!

In the more than ten years since I studied medicine, what keeps me going till now is the happy smile of the patient after each treatment, and the words the patient says every time he is discharged from the hospital, "Thank you for your hard work, Dr. Liu! Thank you!" ”, I think this is the value of my medical studies, I can bring health and happiness to everyone! I can always be a little doctor, but I must help more people solve their problems. This is my original intention. As for whether you want to study medicine, I have to ask you, where is your original intention, no matter how hard this profession is No matter how tired you are, will it make you feel your worth? So have you found the answer?