[Source: Lanzhou Daily · ZAKER Lanzhou] On June 29, 12 medical staff from the Gaolan County Women’s Federation and the County Maternal and Child Health Hospital walked into the Blackstone Industrial Park-Lanxin Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. to carry out medical treatment for more than

[Source: Lanzhou Daily · ZAKER Lanzhou]

On June 29, 12 medical staff from the Gaolan County Women's Federation and the County Maternal and Child Health Hospital walked into the Blackstone Industrial Park - Lanxin Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. to assist more than 200 female employees of the factory. Health lectures and free physical examinations were carried out with the theme of "Caring for Women and Bringing Healthy 'Two Cancers' Screening into Enterprises".

Doctors from Gaolan County Maternal and Child Health Hospital explained in detail the causes, disease process, health care knowledge and typical clinical cases of "cervical cancer""breast cancer" to female employees, and guided female employees to conduct regular health examinations to achieve early detection. , early diagnosis and early treatment.

Lanzhou Daily full-media reporter Cheng Shanshan's text/pictures

Editor丨Bao Xuefeng

Editor-in-charge丨Wang Xuan

Header on duty丨Liu Yuwei

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