"When a concubine rides in the world of mortals and laughs, no one knows it's a lychee." "If you eat three hundred lychees a day, you will grow up to be a Lingnan native." Among all the fruits, lychees are particularly popular. After all, lychees are sweet, juicy, and come in one

"When a concubine rides in the mortal world and laughs, no one knows it is lychees", "I eat three hundred lychees a day, and I will grow up to be a Lingnan native". Among all the fruits, lychees are particularly favored. After all, lychees are sweet, juicy and come in one mouthful. It’s hard not to have a preference! Now is the best season for lychees, and excellent varieties with sweet and fragrant flavors, such as Nuomi Ci, Feizixiao, and Guiwei, are now on the market.

According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", lychees are mild in nature and sweet in taste, and have the effects of "tonifying the spleen and liver, producing body fluids and relieving hiccups, reducing swelling and relieving pain, relieving cough and nourishing the heart". It is more suitable for women with postpartum anemia and the elderly and frail people. .


Nourishes the heart and liver, strengthens immunity

7 months of lychee, you have to try it, the 4 functions are unique, after reading it you will also agree: it is worthy of the title of the first fruit!

1. Replenish energy and nourish the brain

Lychee has a nourishing effect on brain tissue. It can significantly improve insomnia, fatigue and other symptoms. Lychee pulp is rich in glucose and sucrose. The total sugar content is more than 70%, ranking among many fruits. The first place, it has the function of replenishing energy and increasing nutrition.

Research has proven that lychee has a nourishing effect on brain tissue and can significantly improve insomnia, forgetfulness, fatigue and other symptoms. Li Shizhen said in "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Eat lychees regularly to nourish the brain and keep fit."

However, I would like to remind everyone that although it can replenish energy, do not eat it on an empty stomach. Fresh lychees have a high sugar content. Eating them on an empty stomach will irritate the gastric mucosa and may cause stomach pain gastric bloating.

2. Enhance immune function

Lychee meat is rich in vitamin C and protein, which helps to enhance the body's immune function and improve disease resistance. Since ancient times, it has been regarded as a precious tonic. Lychee has the functions of reducing swelling, detoxification, stopping bleeding and relieving pain. effect.

Of course, because lychees are warm in nature, for the elderly, those with constipation caused by dry stools should avoid eating them as much as possible; especially patients with liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, gastrointestinal disease should be more cautious. .

Patients with liver disease and kidney disease can eat watermelons and cucumbers that diuretic and dampness. People with diabetes can eat cucumbers and tomatoes between meals while keeping their blood sugar under control. The amount of lychees should be within 80 grams a day, that is, 3 servings a day. ~5 pieces is appropriate.

3. Tonify the spleen and liver, nourish the liver and blood

Lychee is sweet, sour and warm in nature, and enters the heart, spleen and liver meridians. Scientific research shows that fresh lychees are rich in nutrients, especially vitamin C, which is 6 times and 11 times higher than apples and duck pears, respectively. It also has high medical value. It can "tonify the spleen and liver, "Producing body fluids and quenching thirst, reducing swelling and pain, relieving cough and nourishing the heart." It is suitable for diseases such as physical weakness, insufficient Qi and blood, insufficient stomach yin.

At the same time, lychee shell can also treat hemorrhage in women and acne in children. Lychee is rich in vitamins, which can promote blood circulation of microvessels, prevent the occurrence of freckles, and make the skin smoother.

4. Beauty, smoothing the skin

Contemporary scientific research has found that lychee is rich in sugar, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, citric acid , pectin and a large amount of free arginine and tryptophan.

Skin is a manifestation of the internal functions and status of the human body. People with malnutrition and improper diet will definitely not have healthy skin.Lychees are rich in various nutrients and can also promote blood circulation in microvessels. Therefore, eating lychees regularly can not only prevent the occurrence of various pigment spots such as freckles, but also make the skin smooth and delicate.

It is worth noting that lychees are warm foods . Women who use lychees for beauty should not eat more than 10 lychees at a time and no more than 3 times a week, otherwise they may break out acne... because they get angry. !


Soak lychees in it to protect blood vessels and reduce uric acid

Lychees are not easy to keep fresh. go". Therefore, Yang Guifei can only use the stagecoach to eat fresh lychees.

Although we now have refrigerators, the fruiting period of lychees is short and the storage time is also limited. If you like to eat lychees, you might as well make your own lychee wine, which is particularly nourishing to the body and can absorb more nutrients than fresh food.

Senior nutritionist Zhong Dengwick said that lychee wine is very good for the body and has considerable effects.

First of all, lychee wine can increase muscle tone, relax nerves on the central nervous system, and has a sleep-promoting effect.

Secondly, proper consumption of lychee wine not only has beauty and anti-aging effects, prevents cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and antioxidant effects, but can also reduce cholesterol and prevent arteriosclerosis . Drinking some lychee wine not only has a sterilizing effect, but also promotes digestion of the spleen and stomach.

Lychee wine also has a thirst-quenching and diuretic effect, and has a certain auxiliary effect on high uric acid, gout and other conditions.

Lychee wine

Ingredients: lychee 500 grams, 500 grams, white wine 900ML


1, soak in wine Wash the bottle first, disinfect it with wine, and then dry it;

2. Peel and core the lychees, add a layer of lychees and a layer of rock sugar. , put it in a wide-mouth bottle, and it will be 6 or 7 minutes full (the brewing process will produce gas, and if it is too full, the bottle cap will pop out);

3. Pour liquor into the bottle, the one with a higher degree will be more mellow. Then seal the bottle tightly and let it sit in a cool place for three months before drinking;

4. If you are more sophisticated, you can filter the wine and put it into a new bottle after three months, and then let it sit for about another month. It is drinkable;


The lychee wine brewed now is better to drink after the beginning of autumn. Because in the theory of the Five Elements of traditional Chinese medicine, summer belongs to fire and is prone to heat. Drinking lychee wine after the beginning of autumn has a nourishing and beauty effect, and is easier to absorb, making it less likely to get angry. Adults can generally drink about 20 to 30 ml a day. Be careful to take small sips when drinking. It is not suitable to drink on an empty stomach.

If you don’t have the habit of drinking, you can also make your own canned lychees. Eating lychees alone can easily cause internal heat, but you can use lychees to boil sugar water to clear away the heat and relieve dryness. But it should not be kept for too long. It is best to eat it within a week. After all, it is not like the ones sold outside with so many additives.

canned lychees


1. Wash the fresh lychees and remove the shells;

2. Carefully remove the core, wash with water again, and drain.

3. Take a clean and oil-free pot, put in water and lychee meat, the water needs to cover the lychees.

4. Add rock sugar and bring to a boil, then open the lid and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

5. Turn off the heat, pour it into a container, cool it, put it in the refrigerator, and eat as you go. Try to bring it to room temperature before eating.


Eating lychees like this will make you healthy and not get angry.

Even Li Shizhen praised the lychees, which have two shortcomings: 1. One lychee causes three fires; 2. If you eat it improperly, you can easily get "lychee disease". There is no need to explain more about litchi getting angry. What the hell is "lychee disease"? Let’s illustrate this through a specific news incident:

According to the Guangzhou Daily, a 7-year-old boy came home from school hungry and thirsty and ate more than 20 pills in one go. At dinner that night, the boy suddenly started sweating on his forehead and turned pale. After taking two mouthfuls of rice, he fainted at the dinner table. The family quickly sent Junzai to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with hypoglycemia.

reported that patients with "lychee disease" appear every summer. Among them, it is not uncommon to experience hypoglycemia or even syncope after eating a large amount of lychees.

Let me highlight the key points for you: the protagonist is a 7-year-old boy who was in an empty stomach when eating lychees. Not everyone will suffer from hypoglycemia after eating lychees, but eating a large amount of lychees on an empty stomach may cause hypoglycemia , resulting in nausea, sweating, fatigue, and then high fever, convulsions, coma and other symptoms. Severe cases can even be life-threatening. Relatively speaking, children are more likely to suffer from litchi disease.

How to eat lychee to ensure that it exerts its effects while being healthy and not getting angry? Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health, please Guangzhou First People’s Hospital Li Xiangli, deputy chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine , to give you a heads up.

Li Xiangli said: Lychee can be eaten by the general population and is suitable for pregnant women, the elderly, people with weak constitutions, those recovering from illness, and those with anemia and stomach cold. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that is suitable for people with yang deficiency constitution and blood deficiency constitution. These people often have pale complexions, pale lips and nails, prefer warmth and are afraid of cold, cold hands and feet, sore waist and knees, and women with low menstrual flow, pale color, and loose stools. Symptoms such as looseness and looseness. Eating an appropriate amount of lychees in summer is beneficial to the health of these people.

01. Avoid overdose

It is generally recommended that adults should not exceed 300 grams of lychees (about 15 pieces) per day, and children should not exceed 5 lychees at a time.

02. Do not eat on an empty stomach

Do not eat on an empty stomach, it is best to eat after a meal.

03. How to eat without heat

Peel the shell and core of the lychee, soak the lychee meat in light salt water, and then take it out for consumption; or soak the lychee with the skin in salt water, then place it in the refrigerator, and take it out to dry to room temperature before eating. If you eat it again, it will not only not cause internal heat, but also relieve stagnation and increase appetite.

04. To deal with internal heat

If you get internal heat after eating lychees, you can drink a little mung bean soup to relieve internal heat and detoxify.

If you eat too much lychees, you will experience abdominal distension and frequent abdominal pain. Those with mild symptoms can treat it by drinking lychee shells boiled in water, or eating a few slices of fresh lemon or drinking a cup of lemon tea can also eliminate fullness and relieve pain.

05. People who should not eat lychees

People on an empty stomach, especially children on an empty stomach should not eat lychee. At the same time, it is recommended that people with yin deficiency, fire exuberance, and damp-heat constitution eat less lychees. This kind of patients often have red face and red eyes, feel dry mouth bitter mouth, five upset and hot , prone to acne, boils, red tongue, little or yellow and thick greasy coating, and eating too much is not beneficial. Diabetics and people who are prone to flatulence should be cautious when eating lychees.

Soak lychees in white wine for beauty and anti-aging, prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and lower uric acid. Boil them in water. They are not only delicious but also clear away fire and moisturize dryness. Eating them fresh also has a wonderful way to reduce heat. You must eat such a good way Share with friends!