Shoulder pain, unable to lift arms, unable to lift heavy objects... If these symptoms occur, is it frozen shoulder? In fact, there are many causes of shoulder pain. About 60% of shoulder pain is caused by rotator cuff injury. Many patients treat rotator cuff injury as periarthrit

Shoulder pain, unable to lift arms

Unable to lift heavy objects...

If these symptoms occur, is it frozen shoulder?

In fact, there are many causes of shoulder pain.

About 60% of shoulder pain is caused by rotator cuff injury

Many patients treat rotator cuff injury as periarthritis of the shoulder.

The more treatment, the more painful it becomes.

Frozen shoulder is also called "" Frozen Shoulders "Why do people tend to have shoulder pain when they reach fifty?

Our shoulders include structural tissues such as bones and joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bursae and gaps. Damage to any part will cause shoulder pain and dysfunction.

The full name of frozen shoulder is periarthritis of shoulder , which is a chronic aseptic inflammation of soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, bursae and joint capsules around the shoulder joint due to various reasons. Inflammation causes adhesions inside and outside the joint, which affects the movement of the shoulder joint. After the disease, the shoulder joint cannot move and seems to be frozen or solidified, so it is called frozen shoulder or shoulder coagulation syndrome.

This disease usually occurs in people around 50 years old, and is more common in women, so it is also called frozen shoulder. The cause of the disease is chronic trauma caused by long-term overactivity, poor posture, etc. or the shoulder has been immobilized for too long after upper limb trauma. Secondary atrophy and adhesion of the tissues around the shoulder; some patients suffer from referred pain in the shoulder due to cervical spondylosis or heart, lung, and biliary tract diseases. The long-term failure of the original disease to heal leads to persistent spasm and ischemia of the shoulder muscles, thus Inflammatory lesions form and turn into true frozen shoulder.

At present, there is no specific treatment for frozen shoulder, and conservative treatment is mainly used. Commonly used treatment methods include oral anti-inflammatory analgesics, physical therapy, local sealing of pain points, massage, self-massage, etc.

Sixty percent of shoulder pain is caused by rotator cuff injury and is mistakenly treated as periarthritis of the shoulder. The more treatment, the more painful it becomes!

"My frozen shoulder has been treated with acupuncture and massage at a small clinic for more than half a year. Not only is it not getting better, but the pain is so painful that I can't sleep!" Grandma Peng, a 65-year-old woman from in Hankou, is so painful that she can't sleep. "My right arm is getting weaker and weaker and I can't hold it. Pick something up." At the Hankou Campus of Wuhan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Grandma Peng was diagnosed with rotator cuff injury.

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles in the shoulder. As the name suggests, it wraps the shoulder joint like a sleeve to maintain the stability of shoulder joint activity.

Experts say that about 60% of shoulder pain is caused by rotator cuff injury. Accidental fall, arm support, lifting heavy objects, etc. may cause damage to the rotator cuff. Aging (over 45 years old) or overuse during exercise can also cause it.

Rotator cuff injuries may start as small tears, but with the action of daily external forces, these small wounds will gradually expand into large tears.

Tu Feng, an orthopedic expert at Wuhan First Hospital , said that many patients come to the hospital after suffering at home for several months until the pain becomes unbearable. In fact, out of 10 patients with shoulder pain in the clinic, at most only two have frozen shoulder, and more than 60% have rotator cuff injuries.

Qin Jian, the attending physician at the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Wuhan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said: "The treatments for frozen shoulder and rotator cuff injury are completely different. Frozen shoulder is mainly based on self-exercise of the shoulder joint, combined with local Physical therapy and hot compresses, rotator cuff injuries require rest or surgery depending on the specific extent of the injury.

Can’t tell the difference between frozen shoulder and rotator cuff injury? A simple action determines

Rotator cuff injury and frozen shoulder symptoms are similar, both causing pain and inconvenience around the shoulder joint, and are often easily confused.

Tu Feng, an orthopedic expert at Wuhan First Hospital, said that the method to determine whether it is frozen shoulder or rotator cuff injury is actually very simple. You might as well find someone to help test it:

If it hurts during the day and night, and others can’t lift it with a helping hand, It's frozen shoulder;

If the pain only occurs at night, the pain worsens when doing lifts or abductions, and you can complete actions that you couldn't complete before with the help of others, it's likely that the rotator cuff is damaged.

Doctors remind that "overhead exercises" are most taboo for patients with rotator cuff damage. Mistaking rotator cuff injuries for frozen shoulder and blind lifting exercises will only aggravate the injury and even lose the chance of surgery.

In addition, bursitis, tenosynovitis , joint instability, tendon tears, labral injuries, etc. may cause shoulder pain. If severe shoulder pain occurs that is difficult to relieve, especially if there is limited movement of the shoulder, you should go to the hospital for timely treatment and undergo ultrasound, X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging to determine the cause.

37度丨Produced by Yangtze River Health Fusion Media. Some sources of information: Wuhan Evening News, Tencent Medical Dictionary, Sina Weibo, etc. Drawing: Ma Jingjing

Editor: Gao Yang