Diarrhea, constipation, blood in the stool...these intestinal problems are very common in life. They bring inconvenience to patients' lives, but they are also easily ignored. Behind the common intestinal problems lies the crisis of "premature intestinal aging"! If it is not paid

Diarrhea, constipation, blood in the stool...these intestinal problems are very common in life. They bring inconvenience to patients' lives, but they are also easily ignored.

Behind common intestinal problems, there is a crisis of " premature intestinal aging"! If it is not paid attention to as early as possible, the further development of the disease may even be fatal.

How to judge whether the intestinal tract is premature? How can we rejuvenate our intestines? In this episode, Zhang Yuanyuan, deputy director of the Department of Gastroenterology of the People's Hospital, is invited to reveal "Secrets to Keeping the Intestinal Rejuvenation", and also teaches everyone how to identify intestinal problems from the details of life!

Is your intestine "premature aging"?

Premature intestinal aging refers to: The adverse effects of intestinal flora disorder on intestinal health .

Once intestinal premature aging occurs, it may cause diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and other symptoms. In severe cases, it may even affect the human immune system and cause intestinal inflammatory reactions and allergic diseases. , and even cause intestinal cancer .

It is understood that 80% intestinal cancer was already in the advanced stage when it was discovered. This is related to the fact that many people do not pay attention to premature intestinal aging and ignore its harmfulness! How can we tell whether our intestines are suffering from premature aging?

Intestinal problems hidden behind the shape of feces

When problems occur in the intestines, the shape and color of feces often change. So looking at your stool is one of the easiest ways to detect intestinal problems.

Among the above 5 stool molds, the leftmost stool is in a relatively healthy shape: generally shaped , and the texture is not hard or thin ; while the second type of stool is spherical , and the texture is harder . The stool of a typical constipated patient.

The feces in the middle has no regular shape , very thin , shapeless . The occurrence of this kind of stool may be related to eating unclean things or having bacterial or viral infection.

There is blood in the fourth and fifth shapes of stool, which may be the result of the following diseases: Inflammatory bowel disease (such as ulcerative colitis , Crohn's disease , etc.), Hemorrhoids , or intestinal cancer .

Although both have blood in the stool, there are still certain differences between the three: if there is a lot of blood in the stool and there is mucus on the surface, it is most likely because of tumors in the intestines;

If it is because Symptoms of blood in the stool caused by intestinal inflammation or intestinal tumors . Sometimes stool and blood will be mixed together. If the blood on the feces is distributed on the surface of the feces and is relatively scattered, there is blood dripping out after defecation, or there is blood in the toilet, it is more likely to be hemorrhoids.

If you find that the shape of your feces has changed in your daily life, you must pay attention to it, seek medical treatment in time, and adjust your living habits.But how can we restore the youthfulness of our intestines? Experts brought several tips today!

Secrets to keeping the intestines young

Eat more "rainbow meals"

The diet has an obvious effect in maintaining intestinal health. In order to keep the intestines young, it is recommended to eat more rainbow meals and eat vegetables and fruits of various colors together.

It is worth mentioning that red pitaya in fruits has a good effect on relieving symptoms such as constipation and indigestion. purple cabbage and white radish among vegetables can also bring benefits to intestinal health. It is of great help and can be eaten regularly in life.

However, you should pay attention to the amount of vegetables and fruits you eat. Experts suggest that each person should consume about 1,500 grams of fresh vegetables every day, and the consumption of fresh fruits needs to be controlled at about 1,250 grams.

For people who already have intestinal problems, it is difficult to restore the normal state of the intestinal tract by eating more fruits and vegetables. Therefore, you may need to seek medical treatment in time and take some supplements under the doctor's advice to help with treatment.

Get regular check-ups

Experts recommend: People over 50 years old can use colonoscopy as a routine health screening method. If some patients have a family history of gastrointestinal tumors, it is recommended to advance the screening age to around 40.

In addition to colonoscopy, there are now easier ways to help check for intestinal tumors. For example, puff puff tube , intestinal tumors can be found by checking the occult blood of the stool.

After collecting the stool with stool paper, open the fecal occult blood detection reagent, draw circles or tic-tacs on the test paper, and collect 5 stools from different parts of the stool surface.

Put the test paper into the regular test tube and wait for 5 minutes. If the test tube shows one line , the test result is negative. If the test tube shows two lines , it means the test result is positive and you need to go to the hospital immediately for further examination.