Correspondent Qin Chengwei Reporter Chen Tiantian On the morning of June 28, the Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical College and the Binzhou Coast Guard Bureau jointly held the "Welcome to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: Healthy Entering the Police

Correspondent Qin Chengwei Reporter Chen Tiantian

html On the morning of June 28, Binzhou Medical College Affiliated Hospital and Binzhou Coast Guard Bureau jointly held the "Welcome to the 20th Party Healthy Entering the Police Camp" and the Binzhou Coast Guard of Binzhou Medical College Affiliated Hospital The unveiling ceremony of the bureau’s medical service point. Li Jianmin, President of Binzhou Medical Affiliated Hospital, Wang Yujiu, Vice President, Wei Yingyong, Deputy Director of Shandong Coast Guard Bureau, Chen Keyu, Party Secretary of Binzhou Coast Guard Bureau, Party Secretary and Director of Binzhou Veterans Affairs Bureau, Wang Hengbo, Director of the Municipal Double Support Office, Binzhou Veterans Zhang Jianjun, deputy director of the Military Affairs Bureau, as well as heads of relevant functional departments of the hospital, experts from some departments, some staff from the Municipal Double Support Office and some law enforcement officers from the Coast Guard attended the unveiling ceremony.

At the ceremony, Li Jianmin and Chen Keyu unveiled the medical service point of Binzhou Medical College Affiliated Hospital in Binzhou Coast Guard Bureau.

Li Jianmin pointed out in his speech that building an integrated health system for the military, police and civilians and carrying out emergency medical support work so that front-line police officers can receive timely rescue and treatment are necessary guarantees for implementing the strategic principles of the new era and improving combat capabilities. The two units have signed an emergency medical security agreement in the early stage, establishing a long-term mechanism for better medical security work. The expert team from Binzhou Medical College Affiliated Hospital entered the big family of Binzhou Coast Police to carry out health examinations and medical consultation activities for law enforcement officers and solve urgent health problems for officers and soldiers. This is not only a new exploration for both parties, but also mutual learning. A favorable opportunity for communication and mutual improvement.

After the unveiling ceremony, experts from the Binyi Affiliated Hospital of Sports Traumatology, Rehabilitation, First Aid, Dermatology and Psychology conducted a free clinic at the Coast Guard Bureau to solve health problems for law enforcement officers face to face.

In the next step, Binyi Affiliated Hospital will actively leverage its advantages in management, medical technology, and information to carry out practical work in medical services, physical examination services, emergency rescue, etc., to effectively meet the diagnosis and treatment needs of front-line police officers, and to integrate the military, police and civilians into a health system. The system will be built more solidly, medical security work will be made more solid and effective, and double promotion will be achieved.