We see headlines like this more and more, and many people sneer at them. However, in recent years, there have been more and more attacks on rice on various networks. Rice has been transformed from a refined staple food that is essential on our tables and has been devalued into ju

"I was so shocked that rice turned out to be the king of junk food!" We see more and more headlines like this, and many people sneer at it. Rice has always been an indispensable staple food on the dining table of the Chinese people. It has been passed down for thousands of years, and no one has ever said that they can do without eating.

However, in recent years, there have been more and more attacks on rice on various networks. Rice has been transformed from a refined staple food that is essential on our tables and has been devalued into junk food. Are we eating junk after eating rice for thousands of years? ? Of course this is not the case, but rice does have certain limitations, so we might as well take a look.

Why is rice more terrifying than fat meat?

When it comes to gaining weight, the first thing we think of is fat meat, desserts, and drinks. Many people also put these foods into the restricted area in order to lose weight, but few people combine rice with fat and high-calorie foods. Foods are lumped into one category, but the truth is that rice is actually quite fattening.

Refined carbohydrates such as rice are very easy to digest . When we eat them, our blood sugar will rise rapidly . When our blood sugar is too high, the body's pancreatic islets will secrete insulin Converting excessive sugar into fat and storing it in the body can easily lead to the accumulation of fat. And rice itself does not contain low calories , and because it is a staple food, we generally eat more of it, which may indeed lead to weight gain.

According to a study by McMaster University in Canada, which followed nearly 140,000 people in 20 countries on five continents, it was found that one-fifth of the people whose diet was high in blood sugar were prone to heart disease and stroke The probability of severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases increases by 21%. If you already have such diseases, the risk of attack will increase by 51%. According to their conclusion, consuming a large amount of low-quality carbohydrate foods will lead to more cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and will also affect life span.

Low-quality carbohydrates actually refer to staple foods such as white rice and white steamed buns that we often eat. Because these foods are often subjected to fine processing, many nutrients themselves have been removed during the processing, leaving behind What comes out is basically only starch and it is easy to digest, which can easily lead to an increase in blood sugar. Frequent fluctuations in blood sugar are detrimental to human health.

To sum up, in fact, it is not the food that is junk, but our dietary intake methods. The Chinese people's diet is often based on carbohydrates plus carbohydrates, such as rice porridge with steamed buns, rice porridge with steamed buns, etc. This kind of diet results in the nutritional intake of us being too single, and the staple food is generally limited to rice and noodles. Long-term intake of unbalanced dietary nutrients is naturally detrimental to our health.

How should you eat staple food?

. Eating rice noodles with

rice noodles themselves mainly contain carbohydrates, which provide us with energy. Their disadvantage is that they only have carbohydrates, and because they are easy to digest and absorb, our blood sugar fluctuates and rises quickly . Therefore, we can choose coarse grains for consumption. Coarse grains, such as brown rice, etc., have not been finely processed and contain the original germ and bran of grains. Compared with processed polished rice, they contain more nutrients such as vitamins and fiber. , minerals, proteins and so on. And because of these characteristics, whole grain foods take longer to digest. Compared with polished rice noodles, they have a stronger feeling of fullness. At the same time, the rate of increase in blood sugar also slows down, thus reducing the harm to the body.

. Eat instead

Therefore, we should eat more whole grains as staple foods in our daily lives. Common ones include whole grains such as millet, corn, brown rice, sorghum, etc., tubers foods such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, purple Potatoes, etc., miscellaneous beans foods such as black beans, red beans, mung beans, etc. In daily life, we should mix coarse and fine grains so that the dietary nutrients we consume can be more balanced.

As we have said above, the high starch content of rice noodles raises sugar quickly, which can easily lead to fat accumulation. And because the calories of rice noodles are not low, many people who lose weight have appeared in the carb-cut diet contestants, that is, they do not eat carbohydrates. Is it feasible to only eat fruits, vegetables and low-calorie lean meat?

This method is of course not possible. First of all, after we eat staple foods such as rice and noodles, the glucose produced by decomposition is an essential nutrient for our brains. If long-term glucose intake is insufficient, it will easily lead to brain neurological disorders and dizziness and fatigue. , irritable, listless, etc.

And our body needs glucose to provide energy to burn fat. When our carbohydrates intake is insufficient, the body's ability to metabolize fat will be reduced and will consume the protein in the body that is, consume muscle. If you don't eat carbohydrates for a long time, you will indeed lose weight, but in fact what is reduced is our body muscles and the fat reduction is more limited. After losing weight, it is not actually losing weight, but a fat person who looks very thin still has Having more fat is bad for your health.

In summary, it is definitely not advisable for people to lose weight to directly cut off carbon to lose weight. It is okay to moderately reduce carbohydrate intake and reduce calorie consumption. , but not eating staple food at all is destroying the body. People who are losing weight can also eat more whole grains to help lose weight. Whole grains can also provide the glucose needed by the body, and the slow digestion and absorption of whole grains can make us have a stronger feeling of fullness, and also help us control our diet.. After extensive exercise, it is also beneficial to replenish carbohydrates in an appropriate amount, mainly because excessive calorie consumption and insufficient energy supply of the body will begin to consume body muscles. At this time, supplementing a small amount of carbohydrates can help the body supply energy and reduce muscle loss.

Rice is not junk food. The key is to look at how to mix it. Eating a lot of rice without eating other foods is naturally unhealthy, but if we match the coarse and fine grains, supplement with vegetables, fruits and a small amount of lean meat, then our diet will be a healthy one. A relatively healthy level.


"The diet without eating staple food will hurt the body very much" Nanfang Daily 2016-09-10

"The glycemic index of white rice is higher than that of Coke?" Will you get diabetes if you eat too much? 》Health Times 2022-02-09

《The order of eating determines the length of life! Eat vegetables first, then meat” Global Network-Life Times 2015-02-21