As the saying goes, "Rome was not built in a day." The same is true for our physical health. Only by maintaining healthy living habits over time can we lay a good foundation for good health and move towards good health. On the contrary, if you persist in these bad living habits a

As the saying goes, "Rome was not built in a day." The same is true for our physical health. Only by maintaining healthy living habits over time can we lay a good foundation for good health and move towards health.

On the contrary, if you persist in these bad living habits all day long and slowly "erode" your health, you will not only be prone to disease, but the possibility of longevity will also be reduced.

Cancer Research UK has published data on the living habits of more than 11,000 male subjects, including smoking, drinking, diet, air pollution and so on. Finally, it was found that if similar bad habits were maintained, ’s risk of cancer would increase by 12.4%. Therefore, especially for men, getting rid of bad habits in life can help reduce illness, reduce cancer, and even help live longer.

These 4 bad habits of men can be called "taboos" in life. Get rid of them as soon as possible

Habit 1: Sitting for a long time

For men, the threat of long-term sitting cannot be underestimated. Unlike women, men Because of physiological differences, the temperature of the lower body is more susceptible to changes in behavior.

For example, if a man sits for a long time, the temperature of his lower body will also increase. Now that it is summer, the temperature may exceed 37 degrees, which is the highest temperature at which sperm can remain active. Sitting for long periods of time affects sperm activity, which is detrimental to men’s health.

Habits 2: Long-term "fullness"

Unlike women, most male friends do not have too strict restrictions on body shape, so they are more "free" when eating. Many men have long-term overeating, eating too much Fullness occurs. According to data from The Lancet, more than 3.1 million people die every year from metabolic diseases caused by excessive eating, such as hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia and so on.

Therefore, for male friends, if you want to live longer, it is best to get rid of the habit of overeating. Eating too much will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, increase the risk of digestive diseases and even cancer. Famous oncology academician Sun Yan said: Each meal should be about "eighty percent full", which is a relatively appropriate range.

Habit 3 : Smoking more than 10 cigarettes a day

Although it is currently difficult for some old smokers to quit smoking, reducing the amount of smoking as much as possible is also helpful to health. According to research, cigarette smoke not only damages the lungs, but also increases the risk of lung cancer by more than 60 times compared to ordinary people. And if you smoke a lot of cigarettes for a long time, the toxins in tobacco will also affect male sperm activity, increasing the risk of urinary system diseases or reproductive diseases.

In short, if you are an "old smoker" with serious addiction to cigarettes, it is best not to smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day and gradually reduce the amount of smoking. Of course, quitting smoking directly is more responsible for the body and more beneficial to health. s Choice.

Habit 4 : Hold urine often

Urine is the end product of kidney metabolism, which is full of metabolic waste and irritating substances. Compared with women, it is easier for men to hold back their urine, so there are more male friends who have the habit of holding their urine.

But such behavior will force the urine that should be eliminated again and again to return to the kidneys for filtration, causing more toxins to accumulate in the kidneys, increasing the risk of disease. Not only that, holding in urine for a long time will also put a burden on the bladder and increase the hidden dangers of cystitis and other diseases. Go to the toilet immediately when you urinate. Don't delay. This can reduce the risk of disease and help you live a long and healthy life in the future.

In summary, the above four habits can be called "taboos" for men in daily life. If you want to be healthy and less sick, and for a healthier and longer life in the future, it is recommended that everyone get rid of these habits as soon as possible. At the same time, for men, some "misunderstandings" in life are also hindering our healthy progress, so it is important to identify and avoid them in time.

Common male health 2 "misunderstandings", don't believe it easily

Myth 1 : Men do not have " menopause"?

Many middle-aged men feel that they are not women and do not have menopause, so they have a negative impact on their mental and physical health in middle age. Not too concerned.

But in fact, men also have "menopause", but there are no physiological changes as prominent as women's, and more emphasis is placed on psychological changes. According to the data released by National Center for Disease Control and Prevention, male menopause in my country is about 50 to 65 years old. Men in this age group are more likely to fall into a state of sadness, anxiety, and confusion. At this age , men should do more interesting things to divert their attention, learn to face life optimistically, and take care of their mental health.

Myth 2: If you keep exercising, you will be healthy?

Exercise is the simplest and direct way to live a healthy life. Regular exercise can effectively improve physical fitness and immunity, and reduce the risk of disease.

But for men, especially middle-aged and elderly men, blindly insisting on health is not necessarily a good thing. Excessive exercise will cause premature wear and tear of knees and skeletal muscles, but will increase the risk of arthritis, synovitis, and other diseases. Japan's Tokyo Research Institute once announced an indicator: html For middle-aged and elderly people over 160 years old, it is relatively appropriate to walk about 6,000 to 7,000 steps a day. Although it is good to keep exercising, excessive exercise is not necessarily healthy.

To sum up, health begins with daily life. Only by adjusting and improving daily life can we lay a good foundation for our health and live longer. Male friends may wish to refer to it to get rid of some hidden bad habits in life, avoid misunderstandings, and develop a scientific lifestyle. Health will also reward you.


[1] Zhiyuan. Men encounter "difficulties" mostly due to bad habits[J]. Family Science, 2012(1):1.

[2]Wang Zhong, Bai Qiang. Exclusive investigation: influence Top 10 "bad habits" of Chinese men's health [J]. Popular Medicine, 2015.