Red Internet Moment Changde, June 29th (Correspondent Chen Jiahong) In order to further promote the civilized practice activities in the new era, effectively enhance the public’s health awareness, and advocate a civilized and healthy lifestyle, on the morning of June 29th, Fuping

Red Internet Moment Changde June 29 News (Correspondent Chen Jiahong) In order to further promote the civilized practice activities in the new era, effectively enhance the public’s health awareness, and advocate a civilized and healthy lifestyle, on the morning of June 29, Fuping Street in Wuling District jointly organized Volunteers from Aier Eye Hospital , Good Doctor Stomatological Hospital and other volunteers carried out a free clinic activity called "Care for the Elderly, Public Welfare Physical Examination into the Community", allowing the elderly to enjoy free medical treatment and consultation services "at their doorstep".

event site.

At 8:30 a.m., street volunteers, social workers from social work stations, and medical staff came to the event venue to unfurl banners, set up tables and chairs, and set up instruments. The free clinic was in an orderly manner. The medical staff patiently and meticulously provide services such as blood pressure measurement, vision and oral examination, and popularization of health knowledge to the elderly who come for physical examination and consultation. Through detailed inquiries and physical examinations, they provide rational suggestions and health guidance based on the physical condition of the elderly. At the same time, combined with the hot weather during the summer solstice, elderly people suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are particularly reminded to avoid emotional ups and downs and maintain a peaceful mind.

event site.

This event was well received by elderly friends. More than 100 health knowledge leaflets were distributed on site and more than 60 people received free clinics. In the future, Fuping Subdistrict will continue to integrate social resources, respond to the needs of the masses, provide more considerate and convenient services, and effectively enhance the sense of gain, happiness and satisfaction of residents in the jurisdiction.