Although anxiety disorder and depression are two different mental illnesses, due to certain similarities in symptoms, many parents confuse the two illnesses and cannot clearly identify the two symptoms, which may delay normal treatment. So, what is the difference between anxiety

Anxiety disorder and Depression Although they are two different mental illnesses, due to certain similarities in symptoms, many parents confuse the two illnesses and cannot clearly identify the two symptoms, which may delay normal treatment. treat.

So, what is the difference between anxiety and depression?

First of all, the psychological state reflected by the children is quite different.

Children with anxiety disorder will often worry, fear, uneasiness, and panic, which are typical symptoms of anxiety disorder. They are always worried that disaster will befall them in the next second, and they will feel inexplicable about things that they cannot understand clearly. The fear will make you upset all day and all night long.

As for children with depression, it is normal for children with depression to be depressed, inexplicably sad, helpless and disappointed. This negative emotion will invade their lives, making them seem to have lost the ability to be happy, but they still No reason for the low mood can be found. So they began to blame themselves, hate themselves, and even hate themselves, and then slowly lost interest in all things, places, and things. Compared with the avoidance of patients with anxiety disorders, patients with depression appear to be more indifferent and turn a blind eye. They are more calm than normal about what is happening in the outside world and are more focused on their inner world.

Regarding the physical reaction of , in , children with anxiety disorder will be in a state of high vigilance due to excessive worry and fear, thus showing physical reactions such as being unable to sit still, rubbing hands and feet, pacing back and forth, and increasing small movements. , and even the voice may tremble and the mouth may become dry when speaking. Anxious patients are also easily startled by the slightest noise or slight movement, causing a startle reaction. I often feel like I can't relax and my whole body is tense. The face is often in a tense state, with frowning brows, tense expressions, and sighs.

Children with depression, compared with adults, often do not know how to express their depression. Children with depression generally have two forms of expression: extroverted symptoms and introverted symptoms. The former is an "unstable state" characterized by throwing things, losing temper, being irritable, etc., which makes it difficult for people to associate with "depression"; while the latter does not like to communicate with others and is alone in a daze. If not taken seriously, it will also It's easy to ignore.

generally shows symptoms such as loss of appetite, slow movement, lack of physical strength, insomnia, nightmares, being alone and not communicating with other people, timidity, easily frightened, and in severe cases, suicidal tendencies.

The manifestations of anxiety disorder and depression are different, but anxiety disorder and depression have a common biological basis, which is the disorder of serotonin function and the imbalance of 5-hydroxytryptamine . Patients with anxiety disorder are prone to depression. Depressed patients are prone to anxiety. Although patients with anxiety disorders are prone to depression and patients with depression are prone to anxiety, they can still be distinguished.

I am pediatrician Wang Bo. For more pediatric questions, you can send me a private message in the comment area below or in the small window. I will give you detailed answers one by one.

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