Negative energy, negativity, loneliness, depression, what will happen when these pronouns correspond to people? In fact, everyone wants to be trusted and needed.

Negative energy, negativity, loneliness, depression, what will happen when these pronouns correspond to people?

In fact, everyone wants to be trusted and needed by others. He may have done a lot and paid a lot, just hoping to get your recognition, recognition of his ability, recognition of his performance, recognition of his views, but he has never been able to wait, and what he has been waiting for is suppression. , always dissatisfied, always a little bit behind, always a huge pie. Yes, who can understand this feeling? People who have not experienced it will only say that these are all small problems, and these are things that must be experienced on the road of life. Just sleep and chat with friends. Kind of, but do you really understand this feeling? Do you really understand this despair? Do you really understand this feeling of going from being full of expectations to having no fighting spirit?

Everyone hopes to have close friends and close friends. But how many people actually own it? Are there really so-called Lan Yan, best friends, and confidants? What about having friends who talk to you about everything? Even the closest lovers can't talk about everything, because everyone has their own secrets, and there is a villain living in everyone's heart. This villain has a room, but the door of this room is big. The probability is closed. Maybe he has opened up to someone before, he has believed in someone unconditionally, but the final outcome was a "miserable failure", but his secret was recited as after-dinner gossip, but it was Being caught by someone you hate. How can such an ending make him open his heart again?

Yes, many times, we will wonder if the world will become a little better if we are no longer around, even if it is just a little bit subtle. Even if it’s just that the people around you can live a better life, even if it’s just that your pet can live a better life.

Yes, if we are gone, our relatives around us will no longer have to worry about us, nor will they have to worry that we can’t get into college, can’t find a job, can’t make friends, or can’t support ourselves. They don’t have to worry about us anymore. We save money and can live the life we ​​like. We don’t have to eat leftovers every day. They can buy new ones with the things we have used, and they have the right to enjoy life.

Friends around us no longer need to listen to our nagging, and can have their own free time. They no longer need to make up unintentional words to comfort us, and no longer need to think about reasons to reject us. Yes, their life should be better. Without this "holding back" friend, they should be much happier. Without this negative energy friend, they would be much happier every day.

Colleagues around me also feel that a big person is missing. It’s troublesome. I no longer have to answer “low-level” questions every day. I no longer have to blame him/her every time. I can finally get off work on time and no longer have to work overtime because of him/her. Your leader will also be happy. The person who affected the KPI in this group is finally gone, his performance can be better again, and he can get a promotion and a salary increase in front of his boss.

Yes, it turns out that we are no longer here, but the people around us are actually I can do better. It seems that my existence is really not necessary. It seems that my existence is really a waste of every breath of air in this world and a waste of the few food and fresh water in this world. Maybe I can still save him in Africa. A better person

Yes, as patients with depression , no one has ever cared about us. They will always only talk about taking medicine to control, keeping your mood happy, keeping your body and mind happy, and trying to find interesting people around you. thing. But this is really just talk. Who can teach me how to do it? Who can take me to take the first step? Who can take me out of this closed room? Who can ask me to open a window? But who can do it?

Life is really boring; life is really bleak; friends are really hypocritical; family love is real interests; money is really omnipotent