The following article comes from the Color Psychology of the Heart Association of Hangzhou Business University. Color psychology is a very important subject. In terms of natural appreciation and social activities, color is objectively a stimulus and symbol to people; subjectively

The following article comes from the Hangzhou Business University Heart Association

Color psychology

Color psychology

Color psychology is a very important subject, In terms of natural appreciation and social activities, color is objectively a stimulus and symbol for people; subjectively The above is another kind of reaction and behavior. color psychology starts through vision, from perception, emotion to memory, thought, will, symbol, etc. Its reactions and changes are extremely complex. The application of color attaches great importance to this causal relationship, that is, the accumulation of color experience leads to the psychological norms of color. What kind of reaction can occur after being stimulated are all the contents to be discussed in color psychology.

Experience in life

1. Sports diving

In the recreational sports diving that is very popular nowadays, people need to carry oxygen bottles. An oxygen bottle can last about 40 to 50 minutes to supply oxygen, but after most divers use up the oxygen of an oxygen bottle, they feel that they have only dived in the water for about 20 minutes. The various fishes and beautiful corals in the ocean can attract the attention of divers, so they feel that time passes quickly. This is one of the reasons. What's more, the bottom of the sea is a blue world surrounded by sea water. It is the blue that numbs the diver's sense of time, making him feel that the time is shorter than the actual time.

2. Lighting

This phenomenon is also very common in daily life, and lighting is one example. Under the blue-white fluorescent light, people will feel that time passes very quickly, while under the warm incandescent light , people will feel that time passes very slowly. Therefore, if it is purely for work, it is best to do it under fluorescent lights. Incandescent lights can make people feel that time is long and easily cause irritability. On the contrary, it is more suitable to use warm lighting equipment such as incandescent lamps in the bedroom, which will create a leisurely space of your own.

3. Fast food restaurants are not suitable for waiting for people

Fast food restaurants generally give us the impression that there are many seats and are very efficient. Customers will leave after eating and will not stay for a long time. Some people like to make appointments with friends at fast food restaurants, but in fact fast food restaurants are not suitable for waiting for people. This is because the decoration of many fast food restaurants is mainly orange or red. Although these two colors can make people feel happy, excited and increase appetite, they can also make people feel that time is long. If you are surrounded by people in such an environment, you will become increasingly irritated.

The places that are more suitable for dating and waiting for people should be those cafes with cooler colors. Regardless of the color, the aroma of coffee also has a relaxing effect. Waiting for the lover of your dreams in such an environment, I believe you will not be irritated no matter how long you wait.

Colors and emotions

Blue :

Calm, peaceful and lofty, it can soothe anxious emotions. If your child is too nervous before the exam, you can consider changing to blue sheets and quilts.

Blue also represents loyalty. Blue suits and shirts are suitable for interviews. Blue is a symbol of honesty and stability. At the same time, it can also represent a sense of technology in the new era. Companies can use blue to create a good corporate image for themselves.

Red :

Enthusiasm, excitement, desire, can mobilize emotions , but strong red will keep people in a state of excitement and easily cause irritability. Couples who live in red rooms for a long time are more likely to quarrel.

pink :

can reduce the secretion of adrenal hormone , allowing angry people to calm down quickly . Obstetric and pediatric nurses generally wear pink uniforms to give newborns a soft and warm feeling. Painting prison walls pink will reduce inmates' violent behavior. It is said that male employees who like to wear pink shirts have better interpersonal relationships. Active, good at adjusting the office atmosphere, and more salary.

green :

is the color of life, full of vitality. A green environment can lower skin temperature by 1-2 degrees Celsius, reduce heartbeat by 4-8 times/minute, and make breathing even, which is beneficial to recuperation and recovery. The walls of the operating room and the uniforms of medical staff are mostly light green.

Gray :

Gray is generally not very popular as a single color, but it has the characteristic of highlighting other colors. So likes gray people, who always think about others and are convenient for others. They would rather support and highlight others than be visible.

white :

pure, clean, real, cold, lonely, perfect ...

Among adults, there are very few people who purely like white, but there are many people who yearn for white. likes white, which shows that you are an idealist, and most likely a perfectionist.


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