Looking at the psychological process of storage with care. Looking at the development and evolution of human history, we find that life is a kind of transition from simplicity to complexity, and then from complexity to simplicity. Human reactions and decisions are under the dual

Look at the psychological process of storage carefully

Looking at the development and evolution of human history, we find that life is a kind of transition from simplicity to complexity, and then from complexity to simplicity.

Human reactions and decisions are under the dual effects of the rational brain and the emotional brain. Among them, the left and right brain mechanisms of the rational brain are in charge of logic and imagination, and are responsible for complex logical operations and overall planning, while the emotional brain is the emotional expression of people's stress response .

The sense of control we once thought of as self-righteous may be just an illusion, because the brain does not strictly act according to what we think is right or wrong, but has its own unique way of coping - the brain is always looking for the most energy-saving way to operate. , and our emotional reactions will still follow primitive instincts. Therefore, between assumptions/hypotheses and facts, people are faced with an insurmountable gap, self-acceptance.

Everything is related, flowing and changing. In fact, there is interaction in all dimensions. Our own consciousness and the people, objects, and environment around us are an interactive whole and system.

Modern field theory believes that: all scenes cannot be extracted separately, but are connected and interact with each other. field is a huge interactive network. Whether it is objects, life, or consciousness, they all exist because of their interaction with each other and their relationship with the field.

Sounds a bit mysterious, right? Let me give you an example from our lives: Our living space is a field composed of ourselves, family members, items, and houses.

Many times we will experience this scenario A:

My usual clothes are mixed with my family’s clothes, and I have an important meeting to attend at work today. I got up at 7 o’clock and searched through the closet for suitable clothes, but found that I wanted to wear them. I don’t know where I put the piece I was wearing, and I searched for it for more than 20 minutes. Time was limited, so I could only wear an item of clothing that I wasn’t so satisfied with to attend the meeting.

In fact, I am conflicted in my heart, and my mood will be affected. I was not at my best during the meeting that day, and my performance was also compromised, so my mood was somewhat negative.

When you return home, your relationship with your family will not be so harmonious. When you see the messy wardrobe, you don’t want to clean it up. Then you may complain to your spouse. Originally it was just to complain, but his interpretation is that you are blaming. Naturally, a quarrel broke out, and the child hid in the room in fear when he saw it. You, who was already more sad, had to coax the child. The quarrel made you think that your husband did not understand you, and made you even more depressed.

So you sigh: The world is really not easy for adults. You are exhausted every day, and your husband still doesn’t understand. This home is really terrible! Then you don’t want to clean up the home anymore, and it is a vicious cycle for a period of time.

Let’s take a look at this process at this time. A messy wardrobe caused such a negative family atmosphere, just like butterfly effect , one link leads to another link of cause and effect, which is caused by the interaction of ourselves, others, and the environment. field. We ourselves are the initiators and also the background in this downward magnetic field of energy.

Similarly, let’s take a look at script B from the same person:

My daily clothes are mixed with my family’s clothes, but I accidentally saw the storage tips shared by others on Douyin , so I tried to follow them After a while, it wasn't as good as they did, but at least the closet was tidier.

I had an important meeting at work today. I got up at 7 o'clock and immediately found the three clothes I was going to wear. I tried on several sets in 5 minutes and selected the one that looked the best. I was very satisfied. .

At this time, there was still half an hour before work. I made fried eggs and oatmeal porridge for my husband and children. I also made a side dish. The children and husband ate very well, and my husband even praised himself before going out. Xianhui, I don’t say anything but I’m still happy in my heart.

I was in pretty good shape when I attended the meeting, and I was very confident in front of the camera. As for myself, the effect of the meeting met my expectations. I was very happy. I went home and bought my children’s favorite fish. The good mood also infected my lover. He accompanied me to do housework that night, and the atmosphere at home was very harmonious.

In many things, due to the limitations of our own cognition or the interference of emotions, things continue without a choice...or we are unwilling to make decisions due to emotions, or we are delayed because we are unable to judge the gains and losses. Some people are unable to make a decision, and some are separated from them simply because of inertia, which leads to accumulated drag and pressure becoming the norm, and separation becomes a rigid necessity.

Let’s look at it. Our own clean and orderly living space, and the field composed of others are constantly interacting and influencing each other. There is an upward or downward magnetic field in this field. We ourselves are the initiators and the background. Upwards Or downward energy fields can also raise or pull down our own and others' energy.

The psychological meaning of abandonment is precisely the attraction and repulsion between the outside world and self-acceptance, and the balance of self-acceptance. In the world of flowers and flowers, there are all kinds of living beings. We need to make choices at any time and anywhere, whether we should live in confusion in the world, or whether we should reflect on ourselves, whether we should follow what others say, or whether we should find another way.