Why do adults often feel anxious? All anxiety in adults comes from two ways, one is external and the other is internal. Viewpoint 1: Anxiety from external work and life Case: Hu Jingjing, played by Jin Jing in the TV series "I'm Very Good in a Foreign Country", finally chose to c

Why do adults often feel anxious? All anxiety in adults comes from two ways, one is external and the other is internal.

Viewpoint 1: Anxiety from external work and life

Case: In the TV series " I'm fine in a foreign land " Jin Jing Hu Jingjing, because of the despair and helplessness of work and life, finally chose to commit suicide. . Hu Jingjing was originally an employee of a company. She stayed in the company for 4 years with her professionalism. The company should be grateful for such a good employee, but the reality is that Hu Jingjing was fired from the company because she did not stay to work overtime, and this day happened to be her birthday. He also threatened that if Hu Jingjing did not resign voluntarily, he would have a bad record on his resume and it would be impossible to get a letter of recommendation. Hu Jingjing, who was forced to resign, was angry and resentful, so she had no choice but to leave the company.

Summary: " The collapse of an adult really happens in just a moment " " I really want to give her a hug " " cried, she was really unhappy "... In fact, when an optimistic person starts to feel sad, her self disappears.. When you feel that life is not so satisfactory, when you are disappointed with the people you love or yourself, when you feel that you can no longer hold on, please remember to say to yourself: It doesn't matter, we all grew up like this.

Viewpoint 2: Anxiety from the inner

Case: In the TV series " Perfect Relationship ", Huang Xuan plays Wei Zhe's anxiety disorder, which belongs to panic disorder . Wei Zhe in his daily work is a very good public relations person. He is emotionally stable, responsive and accurate in judgment, but he will have uncontrollable anxiety attacks when encountering certain situations. It was because he saw his client's wife scolding her child angrily, and his reaction was obviously very violent. In an instant, he exploded like a ignited explosive. The whole person is in a state of control.

Summary: When the feeling of anxiety becomes uncontrollable and interferes with your normal life, it changes from an anxiety experience to an anxiety disorder. But sometimes, we need to admit our own mediocrity, allow ourselves not to be good enough, admit that we are not good at everything. Allowing yourself to be not good enough is not about blindly indulging yourself, nor is it compromising on life, nor is it lowering your requirements for yourself, but it is a kind of reconciliation with yourself, no longer demanding yourself with unrealistic standards, and no longer having to waste time on yourself. Do whatever it takes to embarrass yourself.

suddenly remembered Freud once said: Anxiety is complicated and puzzling. In some ways, the more we learn about it, the more unpredictable it becomes.

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