I found that we girls are too prone to anxiety, and our hearts are always filled with all kinds of uneasiness. This uneasy feeling appears from time to time, triggering the anxiety switch. Girls are anxious for different reasons. Some are worried about being unemployed after the

I find that we girls are too prone to anxiety.

Our hearts are always filled with all kinds of uneasiness.

This uneasy feeling appears from time to time,

triggering the anxiety switch.

Girls have different reasons for anxiety.

Some people are worried about losing their jobs after the age of 35.

Some people are worried that getting married and having children will lead to unemployment suspension.

Some people are worried that it will be difficult to find a partner when they get older.

Some people are worried that they will become poor in the future.

Because of one or other reasons,

became extremely anxious,

so he always tightened his nerves,

did not dare to let himself relax at all,

worked hard, worked hard to make money, worked hard to get promoted,

but even so he still would Worrying.

I myself feel anxious from time to time.

When I am anxious, it is really uncomfortable.

Sometimes I have insomnia late at night and cannot sleep.

Sometimes I have no appetite to eat.

When anxiety comes, I am often unhappy.

Because there are too many worries in my heart,

is either worried about this or worried about that,

naturally cannot be happy.

Later I realized that I couldn't go on like this,

otherwise I would become more and more unhappy,

so I tried to find ways to actively change the state of anxiety,

do something to get rid of the anxiety in my heart.

I share my experience with everyone,

I hope everyone can say goodbye to anxiety.

1. Looking for the cause of anxiety

Everyone’s anxiety must have a reason.

Only by finding the cause can we know how to solve it.

Whenever I am anxious,

I will record all the thoughts in my mind.

From these Find the cause of anxiety in your thoughts.

I find that when I am anxious, what I am thinking about is,

What should I do if no employer wants me after I turn 35?

What should we do if the self-media industry becomes increasingly weak?

What should I do if I can’t make money from writing in the future?

What will you do if you don’t have a house when you get old?

These are the main reasons for my anxiety,

I always worry about things that have not happened.

They make me anxious.

2. Find solutions to the causes

Our anxiety is often caused by fear of the future.

Just being afraid cannot solve any problem.

Only by actively solving the problem can

the problem be solved.

The solution I thought of is,

35 years old, if no company wants me,

at worst, I will start a small-cost business.

When I can’t make money from writing, I will change careers.

I’m not afraid to start from scratch anyway.

is worried about not having a house when he gets old.

will work hard to make money and save money from now on.

Even if the speed is slower, he will be able to earn enough for the down payment in ten years.

When I found out the solution,

I no longer felt anxious instantly,

because these problems would not push me to a dead end.

3. Start taking action according to the method

The reason why we are anxious is because we just think about it without doing it.

As long as we take action, we will naturally not be anxious.

If you want to save enough for the down payment of a house within 10 years,

from now on you must not only work hard to make money,

also start saving money.

If you want to change your industry in the future,

you can start making preparations from now on.

I can find what I am interested in learning and

turn it into my skills.

After I took action,

a large part of my anxiety was eliminated, and

I no longer had random thoughts.

4. Actively change your own ideas

In addition to the above reasons,

our anxiety may also be due to our wrong ideas.

Wrong ideas can make us anxious,

So many people are still anxious even though they work hard.

is always working hard for the future, but

dare not enjoy the present.

This kind of behavior is caused by wrong ideas.

We must know that our present is the future we expected in the past.

How we are living now is the result of past efforts.

So there is no need to be afraid to enjoy the present just because you are worried about the future.

We should work hard for the future,

but it is also worth enjoying the present.

5. Live every day well

It is very important to live every day well.

Do everything you should do well.

After work is over,

you should have fun when it is time to play.

You must not work well when you are working.

You cannot have fun after get off work.

You are always worried about work.

This will naturally make you very anxious.

What we have to do is to live every day well,

eat well,

sleep well,

work well.

I feel at ease every day and I don’t feel anxious anymore.

Do you often feel anxious? Are you always worried about things that haven't happened? Are you worried that your future will not be as good as it is now? Is anxiety keeping you from eating or sleeping well?

In fact, anxiety has become the norm for most of us. It is a psychological sub-health. For various reasons, we are always prone to feeling anxious.

If you feel anxious, you don’t need to worry too much. Appropriate anxiety can help us make progress, as long as we don’t let anxiety overtake our hearts.

I myself suffer from anxiety from time to time, so I still have a certain say in getting rid of anxiety. I have compiled a total of 5 methods that can help friends say goodbye to anxiety.

Look for the causes of anxiety

Find solutions for the causes

Start taking action on the methods

Actively change your ideas

Live every day well

The above five methods can effectively help us say goodbye to anxiety. After sorting it out , you just need to live your life well, but do good things without worrying about the future, and what you want will come naturally.

Finally, I hope that every sister who reads this note will face their own anxiety correctly from today on, put down their random thoughts, take action, and welcome a non-anxious self.


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