For postpartum depression, you should often drink donkey hide gelatin and jujube porridge. Zhengzhou City, Henan Province/Wang Xinzhi, He Shizhen, and Mr. Li confided to me that his wife had just given birth to a baby son. He was very happy. He exerted enough energy every day and

Postpartum depression, you should often drink donkey hide gelatin and jujube porridge

Zhengzhou City, Henan Province/Wang Xinzhi He Shizhen

Mr. Li confided to me that his wife had just given birth to a baby son, and he was very happy. He exerted enough energy every day and was in a hurry as soon as he got off work. I rush home and take a walk with my child in my arms. I rush to do the work that can be done at home, for fear of tiring my wife and children. However, what puzzled him was that his wife wanted to divorce him. Mr. Li said that since he gave birth to a child, he has washed diapers during the day and changed diapers at night. He has done all the cooking and sweeping at home, and has served his wife comfortably. However, she is not satisfied and complains that life is boring.

Speaking of this, I have actually been able to diagnose that his wife has postpartum depression. However, I have to let Mr. Li finish what he is saying. If I don't let him say it, he will keep half of what he said in his stomach and not express it out, and he will feel trapped in his heart and feel aggrieved.

He said: "I don't know what's going on. She hasn't taken the initiative to hold the child in recent times. Sometimes the child is hungry and cries, but she doesn't feel bad at all. I say a few words to her, and she starts to yell at me. She loses her temper and quarrels with me, saying that I don't care about her and only cares about her children. She doesn't like to be active anymore. When she was pregnant, she often took me to the park with her at night. Now she basically stays at home and doesn't go out. , watch TV after eating, or go to bed.”

After listening to what he said, I told him that this is postpartum depression, which refers to the maternal depression, sadness, depression, and crying after giving birth due to genetic, social factors, and physiological factors. Psychological disorders such as irritability and irritability.

The causes of postpartum depression are very complex. Some are due to genetics, but more often than not, women are not adaptable to the role of first-time mothers. In the family, you pay more attention to the children, and as a mother, you may have a psychological imbalance.

After listening to my explanation, he nodded and said: "When you say so, it is true. It seems that I have neglected my wife too much."

"Then is there any treatment method? It is best not to eat it. Medicine, the child is breastfed, taking medicine will affect the milk," Mr. Li asked.

I told him: "After you go home, every morning use 610 grams of donkey-hide gelatin, 50 grams of jujubes, 100 grams of glutinous rice, and a little brown sugar to cook a bowl of donkey-hide gelatin and jujube porridge for your lover. In addition, women undergo physical and mental stress after childbirth. Under the pressure caused by a major transition, you need the support and care of your partner the most. Therefore, from now on, the first thing you do after returning home is not to hug your child, but to hug your wife and ask her about her mood today and the trivial matters of the day. , communicate about the baby's situation, so that she feels that she is valued. Let her have more contact with the baby, and there will be feelings when there is more communication. The maternal love in a woman will naturally be stimulated. "

About 3 weeks. Later, Mr. Li's wife got rid of postpartum depression, and she and Mr. Li came to me to express thanks. She said: "Thank you so much. Now that I think back to the state I was in, I feel a little scared."

Chinese medicine believes that postpartum depression is a syndrome of depression. After a woman has just given birth, her body is weak and her spirit is exhausted. If she lies in bed every day and cannot stretch her body, her internal organs will be in a stagnant state. In addition, a woman needs to slowly adapt to becoming a mother for the first time. If she is not given timely advice and guidance during this period, she will be overwhelmed and consume her Qi and Yin. When Qi and Yin are both deficient, , when the deficiency of fire causes internal disturbance, the mood will naturally not be comfortable. Donkey-hide gelatin, jujube, and glutinous rice are all Chinese medicinal materials that nourish blood and nourish yin. Eating more of them can help regulate the sluggish state of women's internal organs after childbirth. Coupled with the mental adjustment, the disease recovered quickly.

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Author of this article: Wang Xinzhi He Shizhen

Editor of this article: Hidetaki