Some people say that autism is due to problems with family education; others say that autism just doesn't like to talk, and it will get better when you grow up, without special intervention; what exactly is autism, and what kind of group are they?

Some people say that autism is due to problems with family education; others say that autism just doesn't like to talk, and it will get better when you grow up, without special intervention; others say that autism is either a genius or an artist. .....What exactly is autism, and what kind of group are they? Today, let’s walk into autism and learn about autism!

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What is autism?

autism is also called autism , autism spectrum disorder . According to the explanation of the data, autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that occurs in childhood. Children with autism usually have cognitive, motor and sensory impairments [1]. These obstacles can cause children to have the following symptoms:

does not respond to calling their own names;

cannot use their fingers to point to things they are interested in or want;

language development is obviously later than that of children of the same age, even by one year old Most of them cannot take the initiative to speak or have no desire to speak;

cannot initiate or respond to social interactions and cannot play imaginary games such as "playing house";

has difficulty adapting to new environments and is very sensitive to subtle environmental changes, such as lighting. , sounds, clothes, etc., and are easily agitated by changes in the environment;

Although most autistic children have language barriers, in fact there are also "talkative players" who ignore the situation;

For a certain There is a paranoid interest in the placement of toys or objects, such as liking to arrange toys in rows, or constantly turning a wheel of a car, etc.;

has insufficient hand strength, coordination and dexterity, and has poor hand-eye coordination. Poor ability, unable to accurately perform actions such as writing and drawing;

likes to express needs through behavior (such as crying, throwing things, etc.) rather than using words;

often cries for unknown reasons, and even mechanically. Clap your hands, or keep rocking, spinning, hitting, scratching your body, etc.

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Why is my child autistic?

Why is my child autistic? When they learn that their children are autistic, most parents will probably have this question deep in their hearts. Many parents will even blame themselves for thinking that it is because of the "negligence" of family education that caused their children to suffer from autism. Autism.

In fact, children suffering from autism are not caused by problems with family education, nor by playing with mobile phones or computers, or even by beating, scolding, or pampering their children. Parents do not need to blame themselves too much.

Why children develop autism is still a topic that countless scientists and experts are still studying, and no one can give an absolute answer.

Although there is currently no unified conclusion on the cause of autism, studies have found [2] that autism is related to genetic factors (gene mutations and chromosomal abnormalities ), pregnancy factors (uterine infection during pregnancy and complications during pregnancy, exposure Chemical substances, environmental pollution, perinatal and postpartum health conditions, etc.), environmental factors (insecticides, pesticides, additives and preservatives, etc.), intestinal microorganisms, dietary factors (nutrient deficiencies, food additives, etc.), Autometabolic factors (amino acid, 5-HT and sulfate metabolism, etc.), allergies and autoimmune factors are all related to a certain extent.

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These "truths" will help you better understand autism

Nowadays, many young people often say "I am autistic". The " autism " here is a way for young people to joke about their own negative feelings. A way of expressing emotions, it means that one does not want to communicate with the outside world, or that one has been hit and needs to be quiet for the time being. However, autism, which is one word different from autism, is not that simple! The following "truths" will help you understand autism better.

1 "Only active intervention can make me continue to improve."

Many people think that autism does not need intervention and will just get better when it grows up. This is actually a big misunderstanding of us.Clinically, autism is considered an incurable, lifelong disease. Without rehabilitation training or any intervention during the growth of the child, autism will not automatically recover or "recover" as age increases. Completely taking off my hat.”

On the contrary, if an autistic child does not receive timely intervention, the disorder will become more and more serious. Parents should not take any chances. Only scientific intervention can help autism integrate into society as soon as possible and gain the ability to live independently.

2 "Don't specialize me, I also long to be loved and noticed."

When many people hear autism, they think that we are all geniuses and artists. Some people also classify us as disabled people, Psychosis, but that's not the case.

Most of us with autism are very ordinary. I hope you can accept our mediocrity. In addition, like all children, we all want to be loved and noticed. Don’t hold us to high standards, let alone “specialize” us or pity us.

3 Yelling, hitting, etc. are a way for me to express my emotions.

My language skills are not very good. When I encounter something that makes me happy, I will yell and talk uncontrollably. , when I encounter unhappy things, I may smash things and hit people, but these are a way for me to express my emotions. Please don’t be afraid of me. If you can analyze the reasons for my emotional breakdown, then it is possible. Will help me improve.

4 "My perception is confusing, demonstration will help me understand faster"

My vocabulary and knowledge are limited. Polysemy, puns These will make me overwhelmed, and it is difficult to distinguish between "can do" and "can do". "Can not do". If you want me to understand a certain sentence or do something, please demonstrate it to me instead of directly commanding me "I shouldn't do such-and-such" with words.

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The prevalence of autism is high. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics, one in every 68 American children has autism [3]. In my country, due to the lack of understanding of autism, it is easy to misdiagnose autism as hearing impairment, mental retardation, ADHD and other diseases in clinical practice, causing many autistic children to miss the best intervention period.

Whether at home or abroad, autism is more common than we think. Such disorders can seriously affect children's learning, life and social interactions. Therefore, when it is discovered that children have multiple autism-like conditions, parents should pay attention, not take chances, diagnose in time and provide rehabilitation intervention.


[1] Zhang Tao et al. Research status of causes and intervention methods of autism spectrum disorder [J]. Journal of Baotou Medical College, 2021, 37(11):117-121.

[2] Duan Yunfeng, Wu Xiaoli , Jin Feng. Research progress on the causes and treatments of autism [J]. Science in China: Life Sciences, 2015, 45(09):820-844.

[3] Baio J. Prevalence of autism spectrum disorder among children aged 8 Years-autism and developmental disabilities monitoring network, 11 Sites, United States, 2010.

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