Do you often speak emotionally? After calming down afterwards, you find that you have no intelligence. Is it easy to be taken out of the rhythm in the communication structure? In the parent-child relationship, you clearly love your children very much, but you unconsciously harm y

Do you often speak emotionally, but after you calm down, you find that you have no intelligence?

Do you easily get distracted in the communication structure?

In the parent-child relationship, you clearly love your children very much, but you unconsciously hurt your children emotionally

etc. It is the result of our evolution, which has seen us in danger most of the time and requiring us to make decisions quickly (without allowing too much thinking time). Therefore, our brains have developed a rapid response mechanism to danger

Our brains can be roughly divided into: reptilian brain, emotional brain, and intelligent brain. The structure is as follows:

reptile brain : This part is the most evolved part of us, and it mainly controls our living bodies, such as breathing, heartbeat, hormone secretion, etc. This part of the brain is unconscious. This part of the vegetative brain is intact.

Emotional brain : This part of the brain responds quickly to the environment. Once it encounters danger, it will react quickly (subconsciously), such as seeing an object quickly. If you get close, we'll just get out of the way. This part of the brain can be vividly compared to our security guard. In fact, we are emotionally excited in our daily life. After careful analysis, we subconsciously think that it is a danger to ourselves.

Intelligent brain : It is responsible for our deep thinking and is the embodiment of wisdom. However, this computer is characterized by slow response and requires more time to think.

Our brain’s division of labor and expertise are as follows:

Recommendation: When there is no danger, delay reaction actions and force the intelligent brain to participate in decision-making