(Illustration: I provided a drawing of Le Yu’s tortoise and hare racing as a prototype, and wrote an English description [running turtle with a rabbit on the back, surrounded by mushrooms], which William input into the AI ​​illustration software to complete the work) Illustration

(Illustration: I provided a painting of Le Yu’s tortoise and hare racing as a prototype, and wrote an English description [running turtle with a rabbit on the back, surrounded by mushrooms], which William input into the AI ​​illustration software to complete)

Illustrator is unemployed in place

Anxiety is always with us, whether it is light or heavy, long-lasting or short-lived, dull or unnoticed.

How do we generally deal with these anxieties?

When meeting unfamiliar people, they use alcohol to dull their senses, get tipsy or drunk to eliminate social anxiety, and quickly dissolve the ice between people.

When you feel nervous, drink a cup of milk tea or take a sip of ice cream to suppress your anxiety.

Some people also choose to buy to temporarily forget the stress of life and quickly gain pleasure.

There are also people who like to talk non-stop and talk irrelevant words to fill their time and attention, making the anxiety seamless.

In addition to these, what other ways can you think of to relieve anxiety?

The above-mentioned methods of dealing with anxiety are all chosen to ignore or bury them intentionally or unintentionally.

However, the anxiety is still there, even worse because it is not taken seriously.

Anxiety is actually our friend. It is always trying to send us signals and provide us with warning services (although sometimes the signals are wrong).

Regardless of whether the signal is accurate or not, we need to try our best to receive the signal. Sometimes, feelings of anxiety get stronger simply because the signals aren't taken seriously.

If we choose to observe the anxiety and feel the source of the anxiety with our hearts, maybe the anxiety will go away with peace of mind, even if the cause of the anxiety has not been solved.

Regularly observing feelings of anxiety can be practiced as a life skill. When you feel uneasy, unhappy, or physically abnormal, you can quietly experience:

Where does the uneasy feeling come from?

What causes this feeling?

Do these frequent insecurities have similar characteristics?

Which past experience caused this uneasy feeling?


Just like exercising, if you practice "seeing anxiety" regularly, your mood will become more and more peaceful, and your life will become easier and easier.

More importantly, you will also get to know yourself more and more deeply.