"Xu Kaiwen's Psychological Trauma Course" Mind Map I read this book in one sitting. It has a complete structure, rich cases, and reads very smoothly. I started writing reading notes for this book today. 1. What is psychological trauma? Trauma Psychological trauma is a psychologic

"Xu Kaiwen's Psychological Trauma Class" mind map

I read this book in one go. It has a complete structure, rich cases, and reads very smoothly.

started writing reading notes for this book today.

1. What is psychological trauma?


Psychological trauma is a psychological disorder caused by a person experiencing a specific event, which may make the person unable to live a normal life. What specific events did

experience that would cause psychological trauma and cause psychological disorders?

2. Four major categories:

1. Trauma caused by natural disasters

such as floods, hurricanes , earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and mudslides, etc. These natural disasters may cause widespread casualties. The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake caused many people to lose their lives and caused serious psychological trauma to many people.

2. Trauma caused by man-made disasters

Such as war, being persecuted, being kidnapped, witnessing the death of others, losing freedom, being sexually assaulted, suffering domestic violence or abuse, etc., may all cause psychological trauma to people. Natural disasters are not directed at a specific person, but man-made disasters are often directed at a specific person.

(1) Sexual trauma

comes from a 2005 data from science. 15%-20% of women and 5%-10% of men have suffered sexual trauma before adulthood.

What is special about sexual trauma is that other psychological traumas will be supported or understood by those around them, but sexual trauma will be looked down upon or discriminated against.

(2) Trauma caused by emotional neglect and physical neglect

Emotional neglect mainly means that your parents do not love you and do not respond to your emotional needs.

Physical neglect mainly means not caring about your life or death, whether you are in pain or not, whether you are sick or not, and not caring about your existence.

Many times, these two kinds of neglect exist at the same time. For example, parents both beat and scold their children and humiliate them. Hitting and scolding a child is physical neglect, and humiliating a child is emotional neglect.

Xu Kaiwen said in the book that when the abuser himself has a particularly bad temper and uncontrollable emotions, the trauma caused by him will often be more serious. Especially when the abusive behavior is uncontrollable and has no rules. Parents may be beaming one moment, yelling at each other the next, or simply taking pleasure in their children's pain because they are simply in a bad mood. These traumas can affect the child for life.

I also discovered the same phenomenon during consultation. The child said that he would suddenly have an emotional breakdown, sometimes because of small things, and sometimes he could not find the reason.

This may be related to trauma, that is, memories that have been forgotten or not forgotten in the past are evoked, and the child collapses.

(3) Attachment trauma

Attachment, in childhood, is mainly the intimate relationship and interaction pattern between parents and children. But sometimes, parents "do not exist", or "actually exist, but are psychologically absent." Children naturally need their parents' presence and love, but they don't have it. This will make the child always feel that something is missing and feel empty.

(4) Vicarious Trauma

Lin Hong, a doctor at Peking University Affiliated Hospital, once told a story. The teacher punished the children corporally. The children who were punished by corporal punishment were fine, but the children who witnessed the corporal punishment got sick. Witnessing a child getting sick is vicarious trauma. You have not experienced it yourself, but you have witnessed someone else's experience, and you have been greatly affected and traumatized by it.

Xu Kaiwen said in the book that it is because people have the ability to empathize . When they see others suffering, they will also suffer themselves.

I think there are some reasons, such as from an evolutionary perspective. In ancient times, when you saw someone else being injured by something, it inspired the self-protection mechanism to protect yourself from doing the same thing and getting hurt.

What types of traumatic events have a greater impact on people? Xu Kaiwen said that it is man-made, repeated, unpredictable, multiple, malicious, traumatic events that occur early in life and are caused by caregivers.

3. Trauma caused by technological disasters

such as the Tianjin explosion, the poison gas leak in Bhopal, India, the Chernobyl incident in the Soviet Union, air crashes, mining disasters, shipwrecks, etc.

4. The trauma caused by historical events

includes two levels:

The first level is the trauma passed down from generation to generation within the family.

When a child is abused and asks his parents about their childhood experiences, the parents will often say that they were also beaten when they were children.

The second level refers to the trauma of the country and nation. For example, our Anti-Japanese War.

3. The significance of psychological trauma research

Xu Kaiwen did not directly say that psychological trauma research has 12,345 meanings. Instead,

told the story "The Little Girl at War".

I think the point of studying trauma is to help us live better lives.

Trauma hurts.

Studying how to get out of trauma, how to avoid causing trauma, and how to make human beings live better is the meaning of research.

I once asked a friend, who do you think has no trauma? Do you think there are many people out there who are easily and completely unharmed?

He said children.

Children may be more susceptible to psychological trauma, but we have not discovered it or it has not yet appeared.

I don’t know, it’s not that it doesn’t exist.

Only by acknowledging the existence of trauma and getting over it can we live a better life.

helps children avoid trauma and allows them to grow up healthily.

June 28, 2022