I am an HR, also known as human resources, and I participated in Feng Xutian’s basic training program for psychological counselors last year. Regarding psychology, everyone has different original intentions for learning, but one thing they have in common is that this is a field t

I am an HR, also known as human resources. I participated in Feng Xutian’s basic training program for psychological counselors last year.

Regarding psychology, everyone has different original intentions for learning, but one thing they have in common is that this is a field that requires lifelong growth and learning.

At the same time, I need to realize that becoming a qualified psychological counselor is really difficult and long, but I think participating in this psychological counselor training program will be the beginning of this path for me.
is different from some students who study psychology and majors and need to deepen their studies here. I studied psychology at the beginning just to relieve my anxiety and other emotions. To be precise, it was a bit of self-help.

As a human resources employee, in addition to my own work pressure in daily life, I also feel a lot of negative emotions from my colleagues.

For example, I feel that my boss is oppressing me, so I want to resign.

There are also people who left their beloved jobs due to the pressure of life.

There are also many who temporarily left the workplace due to family reasons.

In this position, I can feel that modern people, especially this generation of migrant workers, , not only have to withstand high-intensity work pressure, but also have unhealthy living habits. People's physical and mental health problems have become an issue that must be paid attention to in this era.

Many people even suffer from some diseases due to negative emotions such as anxiety and depression. Disease may be physical or psychological.

Modern medical research shows that more than 75% of diseases are closely related to psychosocial factors. Some scholars even believe that "half of health is mental health, and half of disease is mental illness." Chinese medicine also proposes that "diseases arise from the heart" and believe that the occurrence of diseases is related to "emotions."

Therefore, in order to learn more systematically about mental health or psychological counseling, after seeing this training program for psychological counselors, I made up my mind to learn it.

More than two months of study have really benefited me a lot.

’s previous contact with psychology was limited to a few psychological counseling lectures held by the company, and some superficial understanding through some listening software.

Although this learning channel has allowed me to understand all aspects of psychology, I have only just begun to understand the wonders of psychology. Those knowledge points are like scattered pearls and have not yet been connected together to form a system in my mind.
But in this training project, I really gained a lot. I learned a lot of useful learning skills and lifelong knowledge.

Although it is an online course, the teacher will let us students understand the basic knowledge and basic skills of psychological counseling through explanations, demonstrations, practical exercises, etc., so that we can have a more overall understanding of the process of psychological counseling. Understand and experience; initial exposure to the study of psychological tools such as psychological testing, hypnosis, sand table, OH cards, painting, narrative, etc. Before and after the
study period, we just experienced commemorative days such as Women’s Day, May 4th Youth Day, Children’s Day, and College Entrance Examination Day. Being invited to participate in so many informative and highly targeted public welfare lectures facilitated us to quickly Learn about the psychology industry.

After more than two months of training, we have made up for many deficiencies in the knowledge structure, and at the same time, we have also become aware of more deficiencies. Whether it is systematic professional training, higher-level psychology education or continuing education for development purposes, there is still a long way to go. But luckily we have taken the first step.
With the implementation of the " Healthy China 2030" strategy, my country's health industry is bound to develop rapidly, and the demand for health management talents, including mental health, is more urgent. Employers are required to create a working environment that is conducive to the physical and mental health of employees and pay attention to the mental health of employees.

Correspondingly, it will become a trend to set up mental health counseling rooms and equip them with mental health counselors.
Looking at the future prospects of psychological counselors from the perspective of an HR, I have every reason to believe that our ninth batch students, after studying psychology, can achieve themselves, help their families and friends, serve the society, and be able to contribute to the society. Let’s work together to create a beautiful home and a happy life.

At the same time, I am confident that I can apply the knowledge I have learned in my job.

For example, some colleagues come to me to report some things. I can stand in the other person's perspective and guide him to express his negative emotions. Although my job responsibilities are limited, through this communication model, I can get in touch with my colleagues on a deeper level. , helping companies to increase some positive atmosphere of collaboration and getting along, and at the same time, it can also help employees relieve some negative emotions, so as to better devote themselves to work and increase the company's benefits.

I always believe that what you learn can be used for something. This is the value of learning.

Psychology is not only a subject, but also a lubricant that coordinates the relationships between people. Everyone who exists in society has to deal with people all the time.

At this time, if you understand the psychological skills of communication and understand the psychological motivations behind the problems, you can flexibly exist in various relationships.

all say that psychology is a profession that is easy to learn and addictive, because the more you know, the more you want to explore further, and I do feel this way, and I will continue to do so in my future work, study and life. Introspection, awareness, experience, and strive to go in my own direction on the road of psychological counseling.

If you need to learn psychological counseling, you can consult~