At first, I didn’t treat psychological problems as illnesses and didn’t seek medical treatment in time, hiding them from teachers. Later, I thought that a change of environment would get better, and finally I thought that just taking medicine would be enough...

Why do children have psychological problems? Are psychological problems in children caused by improper parenting?

During the practice of adolescent psychological consultation , I deeply felt that the huge obstacle to timely and effective resolution of adolescent psychological problems comes from parents, which stems from some misunderstandings caused by parents' lack of understanding of psychological common sense. At first, I did not treat psychological problems as illnesses, did not seek medical treatment in time, and hid them from teachers. Later, I thought that a change of environment would be good. Finally, I thought that just taking medicine would be enough...

All psychological activities, language, and behaviors are... It is the result of neural activity. The name of psychological science should be "brainology". Psychological problems are brain nerve problems, and mental diseases are brain diseases. The brain is like any other organ in the body. Going to see a doctor when you are sick is a matter of course and the most normal thing.

The causes of children's psychological problems are very complex. In addition to the following common environmental factors: First, it is caused by genes. If family members have depression, paranoid personality disorder , and schizophrenia, the probability of children developing these problems will be Greatly increased; the second is caused by improper parenting, such as borderline personality disorder , narcissistic personality disorder ; the third is caused by encountering huge dangerous stimuli, such as acute stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder . The mother's lack of certain nutrients during pregnancy, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, plastic particles, premature birth, and lack of oxygen at birth may also cause neurodevelopmental disorders, such as learning disabilities and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. bipolar is a serious mental disorder. Some experts believe that the cause of it is a brain infection with a certain virus.

Not all psychological problems are mental illnesses. There are 287 mental disorders recognized in the American DSM-5 specification, schizophrenia is just one of them.

Whether you have psychological problems is a dynamic process. There is no insurmountable gap between healthy and unhealthy, normal and abnormal. Who can say that he is completely and forever healthy?

In an era where sexually transmitted disease advertisements are everywhere and homosexuality is gradually being recognized, it is ridiculous to keep silent about brain diseases and avoid medical treatment. Isn't it ridiculous?

Being sick is unfortunate, not shameful. Not seeing a doctor in time and delaying your child's condition is stupid, ignorant and selfish.

When children have psychological problems, it is not necessarily the fault of their parents. If a child has a psychological problem, the most important thing is to seek medical treatment as soon as possible, follow the doctor's instructions to take medicine, seek psychological counseling, and provide more care and support from the family.