Emotions are a very important part of personality for anyone, but usually we have a deep misunderstanding of emotions. Parents think that it is bad for children to be emotional and lose their temper. My friends think that it is unnecessary for you to be emotional. It seems that p

Emotions are a very important part of personality for anyone, but usually we have a deep misunderstanding of emotions. Parents think that it is bad for children to be emotional and lose their temper.

My friends think that it is unnecessary for you to be emotional. It seems that people around you often make your emotions too bad. As long as you are emotional, it is wrong and shouldn't be.

But emotions are very important to our mental health. Emotions are not good or bad. We should not evaluate emotions in terms of good or bad.

Our evaluation of emotions should be objective and fair. When we view emotions negatively, not only will we not be able to solve the current problem, it will even cause more emotions to swarm in.

An objective and fair view of emotions can give us a calmer mind, and the decisions we make will be more reasonable than when we view emotions negatively.

Having emotions does not mean that a person is naive or immature. Emotions are something that everyone should have, whether they are babies, teenagers or adults.

People without emotions are like machines without emotions. We seemingly mature people should have no emotions. Maturity does not mean losing emotions.

Maturity means having the ability to manage emotions, to express emotions appropriately, to vent emotions reasonably, and to face the things you have to face with a peaceful mind.

Emotions are a very important part of people. Many people think that my emotions are aroused and influenced by others. This is a very wrong perception.

Emotions are our own. Others cannot be responsible for their own emotions. We should be responsible for our emotions. Sometimes others will affect our emotions, but the control of our emotions is in our own hands.

Everyone faces different emotions, and the perspective they deal with is the same. We cannot control other people's emotions, but we can choose different perspectives to resolve our own emotions.

Emotional management means accepting oneself, understanding oneself, allowing oneself to experience rich emotions, so as to master emotions instead of being controlled by emotions. This is the ultimate meaning of learning emotional management.

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