The latest Serie A standings: 200 million dark horses rose to 5th with 3 consecutive victories; Inter Milan topped the list with 6 goals

In the early morning of September 19, Beijing time, the fourth round of Serie A continued, and the situation of the standings has also undergone certain changes. As the dark horse of the team worth 200 million euros, Fiorentina won 3 consecutive victories and rose to fifth place in the league; Inter Milan blasted 6 goals over Bologna and reached the top of the league.

1. Fiorentina beat Genoa 2-1, and Bonaventura passed

Fiorentina has been in good shape recently, and Viola has also achieved good results against Genoa in this round.

The two teams tied in the first half and entered the second half. Fiorentina took the lead. In the 59th minute of the game, Bonaventura assisted Sabonara to score, Fiorentina finally broke the deadlock; in the 88th minute of the game, Sabonara "returned" and assisted Bonaventura to score the victory. The ball, both of them completed the pass.

Although Krishto scored a penalty in stoppage time, it was too late. In the end, Fiorentina defeated Genoa 2-1 to usher in a three-game winning streak, and their points rose to fifth place in the league.

2. Inter Milan beat Bologna 6-1, Dzeko scored twice

Inter Milan's game in this round seemed very easy. Facing the underdog Bologna, Inter Milan played a super high offensive efficiency and won a hearty victory.

In this campaign, Inzaghi Jr. adjusted the starting lineup, Lautaro and Correa partnered with double forwards, and Dumfries and Vecino ushered in starting opportunities. In the 5th minute of the game,Dumfries assisted Lautaro to score, Inter Milan made a fantastic start; in the 29th minute of the game, Di Marco assisted Shike to score, Inter Milan expanded the score; in the 33rd minute of the game, Barrera expanded the score to the goalkeeper in the chaos in front of the goal. 3-0, the game lost suspense in the first half.

Entering the second half, Inter Milan did not intend to stop. In the 55th minute of the game, Vecino scored from a small angle and Inter continued to expand its lead. In the following game, Dzeko, who came off the bench, scored twice, and Tite scored a header at the end of the game. Inter Milan finally locked the score to 6-1.

The latest standings:

In the other two games before this round:

Turin beat Sassuolo 1-0 and Piazza won;

1-span Atlanta 1-_span 0 narrowly beat Salnitana, Duwan Zapata won;
