Hammer is not a popular player to play Thor. The hero of "Rome" is Gen Zhengmiaohong's first candidate

In the past nine years, Australian actor Chris Hemsworth has been playing Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This role has almost become his label, and his fans are also cordial. Call him "Brother Hammer".

From the first "Thor" in 2011 to the "Avengers 4: Endgame" released last year, Chris Hemsworth has participated in seven Marvel movies, except Earning a lot of money, he also gained a high reputation in the world through this role.

Because of the foundation laid by playing Thor, Hammer had the opportunity to star in "12 Warriors", "The Royal Hotel Murder", "Men in Black: Global Hunt" and "Shocking Sky" "Rescue" and other blockbuster movies.

However, Chris Hemsworth was not the first choice for the role of "Thor". When Marvel created this role, it was specially designed according to the characteristics of another actor.

This person is the British male star, 46-year-old Kevin McKidd (Kevin McKidd), the most famous film and television series he starred in before, is HBO TV’s "Rome", He played the actor Ulinas in the play.

Recently, Charlie Wen, co-founder of Marvel Studios' Visual Development Department, revealed in an interview that when they designed the character "Thor", they basically created it specifically for Kevin McKid. Chris Hemsworth was not in their choice at all.

Charlie Wen posted an early concept map of Thor and wrote: "This concept map was drawn before the pre-production of Thor. The actor designed Thor’s concept map. Chris hadn’t got the role at all at the time, and this concept map was based on Kevin McKidd’s design.”

However, Kevin McKid did not Get the role of Thor because Marvel Pictures "want a younger actor, about 19 or 20 years old." In the end, Chris Hemsworth, who was only 27 years old at the time, got the role of Thor and By playing this role and became popular in Hollywood, Kevin McKidd, who is 10 years older than Hammer, lost this precious opportunity.