At No. 408 Xingguo Road, Xinhua Road Subdistrict, there is a "manju living space" that integrates coffee, handicrafts and shared offices. Although the area is only about 1,000 square meters, this "small but beautiful" maker space with Wukang Building in front of you, full of coff

At No. 408 Xingguo Road, Xinhua Road Street, there is a "manju living space" that integrates coffee, handicrafts and shared offices. Although the area is only about 1,000 square meters, this "small but beautiful" maker space, where you can see the Wukang Building , filled with the smell of coffee, and many original handicrafts by artists, has already settled in more than ten entrepreneurial households. The organization has attracted many young people to start their own businesses and pursue their dreams.

Many people often pass by Wukang Building and go to the M Stand coffee shop opposite to buy a cup of coffee, enjoy the scenery and take a rest. But in fact, the "dwelling living space" on the second floor of the cafe is also unique...

Walking up the steps to the second floor, the reporter suddenly felt enlightened - compared with the slightly narrow space on the first floor, this place seems very open. The entire space has an industrial style, and the green plants, dried flowers and art installations embellished therein add a vibrant artistic atmosphere to the place.

Manju living space is divided into two parts: office area and leisure living area. The office area contains offices for various entrepreneurial organizations, as well as conference rooms for shared working. There are stepped seats and long tables in the conference room, which can be used for meetings or brainstorming .

The office environment here is very comfortable. The office is clean and bright. When you are tired from work, you can see the beautiful scenery of Wukang Building and surrounding areas when you look up.

After work, you can also relax in the living area in the space. There are handicraft shops, coffee shops, and open leisure areas with comfortable seats.

Currently, more than ten entrepreneurial organizations have settled in Manju Living Space. Most of these enterprises are mainly engaged in cultural creativity and coffee and tea art. Therefore, the space is also full of literary and artistic atmosphere.

As a "living space", Manju is also committed to building a cluster of handicraftsmen and artists from three aspects: "community cultural experience, urban space improvement, design art empowerment", and building a communication and communication platform for artists and residents. Cultural platform. "In the future, we also want to make use of our own advantageous resources and hold activities such as tea culture salons, calligraphy lectures, handicrafts, and flower art salons to enrich the lives of residents." said Chu Qiong, the person in charge of Manju Living Space.

Address: No. 408, Xingguo Road

* Tips: During the epidemic, citizens are required to wear masks at all times when entering the store and cooperate with epidemic prevention and control measures.

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