At the wine table, remember not to say these three sentences. Each sentence will make people unable to get off the stage. Experts: Every sentence is heart-breaking. There are many things in the world. Once you try them, you will be unable to extricate yourself from them: First, f

At the wine table, remember not to say these three sentences. Each sentence will make people unable to get off the stage. Experts: Every sentence is heart-breaking.

There are many things in the world. Once you try them, you will be unable to extricate yourself from them: First, feelings. When you fall in love, all kinds of nourishment and beauty are always memorable. The second is drinking. Once you feel the wonder brought by alcohol, you will "get stuck in it".

For most people, drinking is undoubtedly the greatest pleasure and a topic of endless discussion. Whether drinking by yourself or in a group, you can experience many different styles. Nowadays, drinking not only brings pleasure, but also helps people in other ways.

Therefore, many people now attach great importance to the wine table culture, especially the conversation skills at the wine table, which are particularly important. In fact, in reality, everyone must have encountered this situation: some people are eloquent and talkative, and they can solve many problems in a few words at the wine table.

At the same time, those listeners will not only not feel disgusted or bored, but will calm down and listen to him. On the contrary, some people at the wine table give people the impression that they are dumbfounded, clumsy and clumsy, unable to say something, and occasionally they will offend others.

Therefore, how important it is to learn to speak at the wine table. Next, we might as well talk about this topic. So, at the wine table, remember not to say these three sentences. Each sentence will make people unable to get off the stage. Even experts say: every sentence is heart-breaking.

In fact, before that, the author was a novice in the wine shop and did not understand the culture and etiquette of the wine table. Later, I met this senior connoisseur in the wine industry. He was the one who told me what I need to pay attention to when drinking. Especially these three sentences, I really shouldn't say them, otherwise, they will really hurt my heart.

1. "If you don't drink this glass of wine, you will look down on me."

In a wine shop, there are hundreds of people, so you may hear all kinds of things at any time. Those who understand wine and the culture of the wine table always say what needs to be said. As for the less friendly stuff, they said nothing. On the contrary, unlearned drinking friends are prone to making mistakes.

For example, once you drink some wine in a wine shop, you feel like you talk a lot. Sometimes, what they say feels very aggressive and heart-wrenching. For example, "If you don't drink this glass of wine, you will look down on me." At this point, it’s up to you to drink or not to drink. Therefore, if you meet such a person, you should stay away from him. I guess drinking friends will hate drinking with such a person?

2. "If it weren't for me, how could this matter be done easily?"

At the wine table, in addition to drinking, everyone just sits down to chat and talk about their hearts. However, some people always like to show off and show off themselves on such occasions. For example, if he helps others a little, he always feels as if he has saved the world, and he will always boast about it.

even said in front of everyone, "If it weren't for me, how could this matter be done so easily?" In fact, if he had not said this, the other party would indeed feel that they had helped him, and he must find a way to make up for it or thank him. But when he really said it in front of everyone, all he felt was disgust and hatred.

3. "After drinking this glass of wine, he will definitely help you succeed."

There is another strange phenomenon at the wine table, that is, many people are willing to be "middlemen" and are willing to facilitate the relationship between two people or Get something done. Logically speaking, this is a good thing, but not everything can be done by being a middleman. For example, when someone asks others to help, you see others are hesitant.

At this time, you jump out and say: "After drinking this glass of wine, he will definitely help you succeed." After the person who asked for help finished drinking, the person still didn't agree. What do you call this? In the end, the middleman not only failed to make it happen, but also got himself into trouble. It can be said that this is "bringing the blame on yourself", but it really shouldn't be.

In addition, it is impossible to participate in a wine party or treat guests without a good wine. Of course. Good wine is not expensive wine, don’t mention Feitian Moutai. In our country, there are many delicious and inexpensive Chunliang sauce wines, especially the Chunliang sauce wine produced in Guizhou, which is even more intriguing.

For example, this Daqu Kunsha Chunliang sauce wine is loved by everyone and is often blurted out by everyone - "Guokang 1935" . Although this is a new wine, it has received many positive reviews soon after its release. Those who have drank it are not only repeat customers of this wine, but also hoard it in large quantities.

can see that the quality of this wine is really good, and its brewing process is the traditional Kunsha "12987" technique, which is exactly the same as Feitian Moutai. The selected materials are local red cherry sorghum and Chishui river water. These two materials are the key to brewing a pure grain sauce wine .

People favor Guokang 10 so much, presumably because of its extremely high cost performance. A small bottle costs a few hundred yuan, but it can taste completely different in warmth and beauty. The fragrant aroma of the sauce upon opening the bottle is instantly refreshing. If you smell it carefully, there is also a faint aroma of grain, flowers and fruits.

Take a small sip. It is soft yet delicate, thick yet long-lasting. If you taste it carefully, you will also feel the unique bitterness of old wine. If you perceive it deeply, you can also experience the slight bitterness followed by the sweetness, and the sweetness is more obvious. It is recommended for wine lovers to try it. Okay, today’s sharing has come to an end. If you have any thoughts on this, please leave a message.