Recently, there has been a lot of discussion on the Internet about the clock-in time and the actual start time of work in the north and south. The coordinates of the paradise city in Jiangnan: get up at 7:20, get dressed, wash and put on makeup in 20 minutes; go out and ride an e

Recently, there has been a lot of discussion on the Internet about the clock-in time and actual work start time in the north and south. The coordinates of the paradise city in Jiangnan:

7: Get up at 20 minutes, get dressed, wash and put on makeup in 20 minutes;

7:45 Go out and ride an eDonkey for 10 minutes Go to the subway station (the subway in the morning is very crowded); get off the subway at 08:30, walk for 15 minutes, and buy breakfast on the way; arrive at the company at 08:50, wipe the table, wash cups, collect water, have breakfast, and use the toilet (9: 00 to go to work);

9: Officially enter the state before 30:00, and battle wits with work. After one to an hour and a half, get up to get a glass of water, go to the toilet and continue working;

11:55: Get up to move around, put the rice in the microwave or go down to buy a meal. Have a meal, go to the toilet, get some water and get ready for bed;

13: Around 10 minutes, the nap ends, wake up and get sleepy, and get into work around 13:30 (company lunch break time 12:00-13:00);

18: Get ready to get off work from 15 to 18:30, get home around 7:30, and make a simple dinner. After eating, around 8:00, I will consider whether to cook for tomorrow or whether there are any housework to take care of;

2:00 or so, take a shower Take a shower, tidy up, and play with your phone for a while;

23: Put down your phone around 30 and go to bed. Tomorrow will be another day of moving bricks [stay innocent]

Sometimes I wonder if I am an NPC in the game, it seems like every day Changes but there seems to be no change. What is the frequency in your city?