No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and find some solutions. Yes, food is my pleasure and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously!

No matter where you go, you have to have some fun and think of some solutions. Yes, food is my pleasure and my way of thinking! XiaoTanShiKi will work with you to take the food you eat seriously!


Tomorrow will usher in the third Geng Day after the summer solstice solar term. As the old saying goes: "The summer solstice is the third day of the dog days." The first day of the dog days is the beginning of the dog days, which means that the hottest day of the year The 40th day of the new year has come. At this time, what should we do in terms of diet to reduce the heat and make people feel more comfortable? What does the older generation mean when they say that the diet at this time should be "eat less cold and more cold"? The cold here in refers to cold beer or cold drinks, while cool refers to cool vegetables. For example, the three types we will talk about next are all cool vegetables.


Loofah is rich in vitamin C, and its taste is smooth. The hot weather in summer is also a good time to eat loofah. It can not only promote gastrointestinal absorption, but also play a role in cooling down heat and replenishing water. There is a folk saying that "eat melons in summer and don't need to take Chinese medicine."

Recommended recipe [Fried loofah fried dough sticks]

. Rinse the loofah and remove its skin, then cut it into hob shapes, soak it in water, and add a little edible salt inside.

. Wash the fried dough sticks and cut them into sections, then put them into a large bowl and set aside. Prepare some garlic, peel it, smash it into pieces, and then chop it into pieces.

. Put vegetable oil in the pot, heat it up, add minced garlic, add loofah and stir-fry. Get some water from the side of the pot and add a little white vinegar.

. After stir-frying, add the fried dough sticks, then add salt, add chicken powder, stir-fry evenly over high heat, and then take it out of the pan and put it on a plate.

Black eggplant

There are many varieties of eggplant, among which black eggplant is also cool. Eggplant is rich in vitamins, and its taste is particularly good. After cooking, it is very soft and waxy, especially when paired with meat. Stir-fried, it will become very good with rice, especially suitable for braised or stewed meat.

Recommended recipe [Black eggplant roasted pork slices]

. Clean the black eggplant, remove the skin, then cut it into strips, put it into a large bowl, put a little salt in it and marinate it.

. Prepare some minced ginger and minced garlic. If you like chili, you can have some spicy millet. Pork is essential. Cut it into pieces and put it in a bowl.

. Put rapeseed oil in the pot. After it is hot, add the pork and stir-fry. After it becomes fragrant, add minced garlic, then pour in the pickled eggplant and stir-fry.

. After frying until soft, add salt, soy sauce, some pepper powder, then some water starch to thicken it, add a little sugar and chicken powder, stir well and it is ready to serve.


Yongcai is divided into two types, one is grown in dry land, and the other is aquatic. The aquatic one is also called water spinach . It contains a lot of crude fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and accelerate the body's movement. The excretion of toxic substances can play a therapeutic role in laxative and detoxification. You can also eat more Yongcai in the dog days, which is also cold.

Recommended recipe [Stir-fried Yongcai with black bean sauce]

. Clean the Yongcai, remove the older stems, leaving only a few younger leaves, and then put it into a basket to drain excess water.

. Put lard in the pot, then add tempeh and saute it until fragrant, add some minced garlic, then add the Yongcai we prepared and start stir-frying, stir-fry quickly over high heat.

. Add rice wine , then add some salt and some chicken powder, stir-fry it until it is flavorful. After it is cooked, take it out directly and put it on a plate, and you can start eating.

[Food Cuts]

In the dog days of summer, it is recommended to eat less cold food and more cold food. Stick to the three "cold dishes" to spend the summer comfortably.The ingredients for these dishes are relatively easy to find, and the prices are relatively cheap. They all have one thing in common, that is, they are cold dishes. In the dog days of summer, when you don’t know what to eat, you can try these 3 dishes. .

[This article was originally created by "Xiaotan Food Engraving", and the pictures were all taken by me. No deletion or misappropriation is allowed without permission. Infringement will be investigated]