The Dog Days are a period of time that occurs between the minor summer heat and the extreme summer heat. The so-called "Fu" means "hot weather". The Dog Days are composed of the first, middle and last days. After entering the Dog Day, continuous high temperature and rain become t

The Dog Days are a period of time that occurs between the minor summer heat and the extreme summer heat . The so-called "dog day" means hot weather. The dog days are composed of the first, middle and last days. After entering the dog days, continuous high temperature and rain become the main climate characteristics. , not only hot, but also humid, the most difficult days are coming.

As the saying goes, "A person who is not sick during the dog days is three times a person who is weak." The dog days of dog days have a great impact on us. Whether we are men, women, old or young, we must make adjustments when entering the dog days, including daily life, diet and psychology, so that we can make ourselves comfortable. Better adapted to the dog days of summer. Tomorrow is about to enter the Dog Days. Let me share with you a few things that need to be adjusted during the Dog Days: 1. Avoid 3. Taboos 3. Taboos. Adjust according to the season. You will suffer less during the Dog Days and prepare for autumn. , let’s take a look~

1 What to avoid:

The idea of ​​avoiding the dog days of summer has a long history in our country. It is said that it appeared as early as the Spring and Autumn Period. In ancient times, people paid great attention to the dog days of summer. At that time, people should avoid the dog days of summer. It is also called resting, which means not doing anything. Of course, this is related to the society at that time. At that time, people mainly made a living by farming. Dog Days was just after the summer harvest and the autumn crops had just been sown. There was no work in the fields at this time, so they could rest during the hottest period.

However, in modern times, people are working very hard every day, and they have to go to work as usual in the dog days of summer to work hard for life. However, no matter how busy we are, we should also pay attention to avoid the heat, try to avoid running around in high-temperature outdoors, and work in high-temperature environments. We should pay attention to heatstroke and sun protection when going out to avoid heat stroke.

2 To nourish

Nourish Qi

In the hot and muggy days of summer, the body consumes a lot of energy, which can easily lead to a decrease in physical strength, lack of vitality, and thus a decrease in body functions. Therefore, we must pay attention to "nourishing Qi". In normal times, you can eat more foods that can help replenish qi, such as beef, eel, millet, yam, carrot, mushroom, longan, etc. Let yourself be full of energy to spend the dog days of summer

Recommended recipe 1: eel soup

Ingredients preparation: 2 eels, a little pepper, appropriate amount of ginger powder , appropriate amount of onion and garlic, 2 spoons of cooking wine, 2 corianders, appropriate amount of oil and salt

1. Clean the eel, and then use scissors to cut the surface into flower knives. This not only looks beautiful, but also makes it easier to cook the nutrients. Then cut the eel into small pieces.

2. Add some more water to the pot, add the eel, and at the same time add 2 spoons of cooking wine or Huadiao wine to remove the fishy smell, and then boil it over high heat to remove the fishy smell and remove the mucus on the surface of the eel. Then take it out and rinse it with running water again.

3. Pour a little cooking oil into the pot, first add the onion knots and garlic cloves to the pot, and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Then put the blanched eel into the pot again, stir-fry quickly for about 3 minutes, then add a little ginger powder, if not, you can add two slices of ginger. Then add hot water level with the eel, continue to boil, then turn to low heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Finally add a little pepper and coriander, then turn off the heat and enjoy.

Recommended recipe 2: Fried yam

Ingredients preparation: 300 grams of Shangye, 50 grams of pork, 1 green and red pepper, appropriate amount of onion and garlic, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, a little dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, appropriate amount of cooking oil

1, Rinse the soil on the surface of the yam, then scrape the skin, cut it into strips, and then soak it in clean water for later use. At the same time, chop the green and red peppers, onions and garlic, and cut the pork into slices.

2. Heat some hot water in a pot, put the yam in, and blanch it for two or three minutes, so that it will be easier to cook when frying.

3. Heat the oil in a pan. When the oil temperature rises to 60%, add the meat slices to the pan, stir-fry quickly to stir out the fat, and then add garlic slices to add flavor.

4. Then pour the yam into the pot, and add the green and red pepper segments into the pot at the same time. After quickly stir-frying evenly, add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, and oyster sauce to the pot in turn. If the soup is relatively small, you can pour in a little hot water, then continue to stir-fry quickly to let the yam taste, and then turn off the heat.


In order to cope with the high temperatures in the dog days of summer, the human body will secrete a large amount of sweat to dissipate heat. In this process, it actually consumes the heart yang, making our heart very tired in summer. Therefore, people often say that "summer nourishes the heart." Especially in the dog days of summer, you should pay attention to protecting the heart. You can eat more red foods in your diet, such as red dates, red beans, cherries, tomatoes, grapefruit and so on. Come help us nourish our hearts and protect our hearts, and help us get through the dog days of summer safely.

Recommended recipe 1: Multigrain red date steamed buns

Ingredients preparation: 00g of black rice, 140g of cornmeal, 50g of flour, 3g of yeast, 2g of baking soda, 100g of red dates, 10g of white sugar

1, black rice Rinse it clean, then put it into a rice cooker, add about 1.5 times the amount of water, and cook the black rice until it is soft.

2. Put the cooked black rice into a basin, then add cornmeal, white flour, yeast powder , white sugar, and then mix these ingredients together to form a dough. If it is relatively wet, you can add some flour to adjust as appropriate. Then seal the dough with plastic wrap and let it rise for half an hour.

3. Clean the red dates and chop them into small pieces. Try to chop them as small as possible so that its fragrance can be released more easily.

4. Put the chopped red dates into the dough, knead the chopped red dates into the dough, and try to make it evenly distributed.

5. Then divide the dough into dough pieces of equal size, and then arrange them into the shape of steamed bun in your hands.

6. Add water to the steamer and bring to a boil in advance. Put the steamed buns into the steamer and steam over high heat for fifteen minutes.

Recommended recipe 2: Red bean glutinous rice cake

Ingredients: 100 grams of red beans, 200 grams of glutinous rice flour, about 20 grams of rock sugar, appropriate amount of water, 20 grams of white sugar

1. Wash the brown sugar, put it into the rice cooker, and add 1.2 times at the same time Pour about 20% of water and add rock sugar. The amount of rock sugar can be adjusted as appropriate. If you like it sweeter, add more. Then select the cereals key and cook the red beans.

2. Then select the function of opening the lid to cook, or pour it into a non-stick pan, cook out the water in the red beans, and cook until it looks like the picture.

3. Put the glutinous rice flour into a large bowl, add sugar and mix well. Then add warm water little by little and knead the glutinous rice flour into a medium soft and hard dough.

4. After kneading the dough, you don’t need to rest it. Just take a small piece of dough, put some red bean filling on the chopping board in your hand, and then flatten it.

5. Pour a little cooking oil into a non-stick pan. After preheating, put the wrapped red bean and glutinous rice cakes into it and fry slowly over low heat until both sides of the cakes turn golden and they are done.

3 Taboos

1 Avoid opening windows for ventilation

In the dog days of summer, the weather will be even hotter. Even if you don’t do anything at home, you will sweat easily. At this time, air conditioning has become a must-have tool for people to cool down. Many people turn it on Even for one day, I kept it open at night and forgot to open the window for ventilation. This will cause the indoor air quality to become very poor, which is not beneficial to the body. Therefore, even if the weather gets hotter, we must ensure ventilation every day to maintain indoor air circulation. It is more beneficial for the body to breathe more fresh air.

2 Avoid taking a nap

In summer, the days are short, the nights are short, and the weather is sultry, so people always fall asleep very late at night. But now it is dawn at four or five o'clock, and it is easy to wake up, which makes sleep difficult. Influence. Therefore, at noon, we’d better develop the habit of taking a nap. Even if we can’t sleep, we should lie down on the table for a while, close our eyes and rest, so that our body and mind can rest, so as to avoid long-term work, making the body too tired and causing discomfort. .

3 Avoid drinking too much water.

During the dog days of summer, you sweat a lot and your body loses water easily. Coupled with hard work, you are prone to dry mouth and tongue.Some people will drink a large glass of water in one go, which actually does not replenish water for our body well and will increase the burden on the kidneys. The correct way is to drink it in small sips, and don't wait until you are thirsty before drinking. Drink water frequently. It is best to replenish water in small amounts and multiple times.

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