The Dog Days of Dog Day are coming. Prepare "Four Fresh Foods for Dog Days" in advance. Your family will benefit from getting sick less often and spend the hot summer in good health. The Dog Days of Dog Day in 2022 are coming soon. Here is the specific timetable for the Dog Days

The Dog Days of Summer are coming, prepare "Four Fresh Foods" in advance, your family will benefit, and you will be less sick and enjoy the hot summer in a healthy way

The Dog Days of 2022 are coming soon. The Dog Days of Summer are coming soon. Here is a specific timetable for the Dog Days, a total of 40 days:

First period: July 16th - July 25th, a total of 10 days;

Middle period: July 26th - August 14th, a total of 20 days;

Last period: August 15th - August 24th, a total of 10 days Tian

is the hottest time of the year. Everyone must take good care of their bodies, pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling in life and diet, so that they can spend this hot summer healthily.

The older generation is very particular about eating more fresh seasonal food before entering the summer season, which is a good helper against the hot summer. Today Giel recommends some good food for hot summer, fresh and delicious, so you can spend the dog days safely!

The most fresh food: freshness in the mud - lotus root

Dog days are the time when lotus roots are most fresh and tender, and the most fresh food in the dog days is the lotus root that comes out of the mud. "Picked tender in June and July, they are crispy and delicious when eaten raw."

At this time, lotus root is especially crispy and refreshing when eaten raw. Many people like to eat the and of lotus roots picked from lotus roots.

Eating some summer lotus root appropriately in life can remove heat, clear away heat and promote fluid production, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, and is a good helper against the hot summer.

The best way to eat lotus root in summer is cold salad. It is appetizing and can be eaten with wine or rice. Let’s take a look at the specific method:

1 Peel fresh lotus roots, slice them, wash them, and soak them in water.

2 Boil water in a pot. After the water boils, add the lotus root slices, blanch them, remove them from cold water, and drain them. Put it on a plate

3 Prepare the seasonings, chop the onion, ginger and garlic, add oil to the pot and sauté until fragrant, pour into the lotus root

4 Add salt, vinegar, light soy sauce, chili oil, crushed millet pepper , very fresh taste, a little sugar , mix evenly

5 and sprinkle some chopped coriander on top.

The second freshest fruit: watermelon

Watermelon is a heat-relieving fruit specially produced for summer. It is known as the "magic tool" for relieving heat in summer and is a treasure for relieving heat and replenishing water in summer.

Watermelon is sweet and juicy, and both adults and children like to eat it. Eating some in the hot summer can relieve the heat, replenish water and reduce heat.

Although watermelon is good, don’t eat too much every time. Eating too much will poison your stomach and intestines.

I would also like to remind you that after opening the watermelon, it is best to eat it immediately and not leave it for more than 12 hours to prevent the emergence of bacteria on it.

Keep opened watermelons in the refrigerator as little as possible. If the human body eats too much frozen watermelon, it will damage the intestines and stomach. It is recommended to take it out of the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature for an hour or two before eating. Don’t be too impatient.

How to best eat all the watermelon? The best way is to cut it crosswise, which makes it easier to eat and waste less. Let’s take a look at the specific method first:

cut the watermelon in half, turn the half watermelon over, cut it horizontally, and then cut it vertically, and many small squares will appear. Just smoke a piece and kill it!

The third delicacy: the most delicious thing among beans - mung beans

In summer, mung beans are the best way to relieve summer heat. They are used to make soup and drink. They are the "life-extending artifact" in summer. square. Therefore, mung beans are known as the freshest beans in summer.

When everyone makes mung bean soup, whether the mung beans bloom after being boiled or not, it actually tastes better. The difference is that mung beans are more detoxifying when they bloom, and they are better when they don't bloom. Everyone can cook mung bean soup according to their own requirements.

Regarding everyone cooking mung bean soup, the soup sometimes turns red. This is actually a kind of oxidation. The rich phenols in mung beans will turn pink after oxidation. Does not affect consumption.

There are also some opinions that drinking mung bean soup while taking medicine will detoxify it. There is no antidote, but its characteristics and ingredients may neutralize some drugs.

Today I will teach you another way to eat mung beans. Once you learn it, you no longer need to go out to buy ice cream in summer. It is mung bean sorbet .

Method: 1 Soak the mung beans in warm water in advance and let them soften.

2 Use a pressure cooker to cook mung beans, add 2 times more water than mung beans

3 After cooking, the beans will all crack, take out the beans, separate them from bean juice , let cool and set aside.

4 Add some starch to the cold bean juice, mix evenly, add mung bean paste , add a little sugar, the taste will be better, mix well

5 Cover it with plastic wrap, put it in the refrigerator

6 Cool and cool mung bean cake Once done, you can use it directly

The fourth delicacy: the freshest meat - duck meat

The weather is hot in summer, and people's appetite is not very good, and they are not very interested in meaty food. But everyone should eat more duck meat. It is the freshest meat in summer and the "first meat" in summer.

As the old saying goes, "To prevent bitter summer, eat more ducks." Duck meat is cool in nature and sweet in taste, which is very suitable for eating in summer.

Duck meat is usually stewed in soup in summer. Today I would like to recommend a delicious new way to eat duck meat from ancient times. A new secret way to eat duck, it is nutritious, delicious and satiating. It is more fragrant and tasty than roast duck. It is super simple to make.

Method: 1. Clean the whole duck, remove the internal organs, and marinate it without cutting it.

2 Evenly apply salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, and light soy sauce on the body. It has a very fresh taste. Marinate it with pepper.

3 Then put it into a large bowl. Prepare to steam

4 Steam over high heat for about 30 minutes until the meat is cooked.

5After steaming, it is ready to eat. Soft and chewy, it will satisfy your cravings.

The above four kinds of summer seasonal foods, when the dog days are coming, everyone should eat more, which not only supplements the body with nutrients, but also nourishes the body, relieves heatstroke, prevents heatstroke, and cools off the summer.

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