Construction enterprises registered in this province include: construction enterprises, supervision enterprises, and bidding agencies. Enterprises and construction practitioners with "housing construction projects under construction" in this jurisdiction.

1. Inspection scope

1. Construction enterprises registered in this province, including: construction enterprises, supervision enterprises, bidding agencies

2. Enterprises with "housing construction projects under construction" in this jurisdiction, and construction employees.

3. Conduct spot checks at a rate of no less than 5%.

2. Check the content

1, construction enterprises (including decoration enterprises), and supervision enterprise qualifications compliance status . Key inspections: In the past three years, newly approved enterprises have met the standards for registered professional staffing. Among them, only construction enterprises with the lowest level of qualifications are inspected. Technical person in charge/Construction engineer/Professional personnel/Technical workers-Certificate, professional, etc.. technical leader - engineering performance .

2. Project contracting situation.

Key inspections: Illegal contracting, subcontracting, affiliation, lending qualifications, illegal subcontracting, super-qualified undertaking of projects and other violations of laws and regulations.

3. Construction permit supervision during and after the process.

Key points: Inspect the behavior of starting construction in advance without obtaining a construction permit or changes in construction conditions after obtaining a construction permit, delaying the start of construction, suspending construction, and fulfilling commitments.

4. On-the-job performance of construction site management personnel.

Key inspections: Construction unit: project leader/technical leader/quality officer/safety officer; Supervision unit: chief supervisory engineer/ professional supervision engineer and other management personnel; or above personnel who hold certificates and are on the job Duty performance and real-name attendance .

5. Ensure the implementation of the wage payment system for migrant workers.

Key inspections: The implementation of "one book, two funds, one card and one license for each household", the update rate of the real-name system, the timely and full payment of wages, and the construction unit's provision of project payment guarantees as required.

3. Inspection requirements

1. Time arrangement. The housing and urban-rural development departments of all districts and counties should complete the inspection work before July 20, form a written report,

2, and strengthen supervision. 7html After May 20, the municipal housing and urban-rural development department will supervise the law enforcement inspections of the housing and urban-rural development departments of various districts and counties, focusing on spot checks of enterprise and project accounts, spot inspection records, and orders for rectification, verification, and punishment of problems found. .

The above information comes from: Shandong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development compiled by "Qicai Training"