Laundry contracts are commonplace for many laundry companies. Based on the entire society's disregard for contract rules, many practical operations have been brought about, and the emphasis on contracts is in an embarrassing situation that is better than nothing. This is the curr

Laundry contracts have become commonplace for many laundry companies. Based on the entire society's disregard for contract rules, many practical operations have been brought about, and the emphasis on contracts is in an embarrassing situation that is better than nothing. This is the current reality. Of course, there are also cleaning companies that attach great importance to the role of contracts. All in all, those who do not pay attention to contract terms will generally have a lot of wrangling in their cooperation with customers. On the contrary, those washing companies that attach great importance to contract quality will generally reduce a lot of unnecessary troubles in their cooperation with customers.

Let me briefly share some important parts that a professional contract should have. Including but not limited to cooperation content, cooperation business terms, cooperation precautions, and the rights and responsibilities of both parties. looks very clear and uncomplicated. The key to the problem is that, based on the business of washing or renting and washing, the biggest challenge in each part is to improve as much as possible the situations that may occur or be faced, and to The challenge is to be able to form a closed-loop management of relevant terms.

First of all, regarding the cooperation between washing factories and customers, it mainly reflects the service solutions provided by washing companies to customers. This service plan requires a high-level summary of the cooperation process between the two parties and the definition of key points. It involves the time agreement for delivery and receipt, and most washing factories implement it completely in accordance with the requirements of customers. The actual situation is that washing companies need to reasonably optimize based on in-factory production and take into account the business operation needs of customers. Of course, for a more professional approach, some washing factories will explicitly require terms such as receiving goods at night and no one to hand over. The premise is that the value of such an arrangement needs to be clearly explained to the customer in advance, as well as the professional persuasive ability of the washing factory.

In addition, the investigation and advance optimization of the basic conditions of customer on-site cooperation also require the washing factory to conduct surveys and provide professional suggestions, and reach an agreement with the customer, including the prerequisites that the customer needs to meet and the subsequent optimization work, into the agreement terms. Such as parking space arrangement, elevator use, linen dirty and clean flow turning line, etc. Preliminary communication and agreement on these tasks are very critical to the smooth subsequent service provision. Therefore, it is necessary to include the contract terms, which will have a good protective effect on the washing factory from subsequent disputes and complaints. It may not solve the actual problem, , but it can at least allow the washing factory to get the respect and rewards it deserves for its efforts for customers.

Secondly, the Notice to Customers is an extremely important part of the Agreement. is a comprehensive reflection of the professional capabilities of a washing company. For example, not all dirty linens can be cleaned. This basic principle needs to be made known to customers. Then, a list of the circumstances under which soiled linen cannot be treated needs to be listed in the customer instructions. And provide customers with reasonable suggestions on how to avoid these situations. After all, linen is an asset and it is the shared responsibility of both the laundry company and its customers to avoid loss as much as possible. The clear requirements for customers' linen collection should be specified in the customer instructions, and the necessity and harm of doing so should be clearly stated. This will greatly guarantee the efficiency of the cooperation between the two parties. For example, single types of towels should be separated into mobile phones, quilt covers and pillowcases should be turned over, heavy soiling should be collected and marked separately, etc. The emergence of these terms is not only the basic requirements of washing companies for customers, but more importantly, washing companies have clear basis and starting point for measuring the value of washing companies based on these terms, how to help customers achieve in follow-up services.

Finally, regarding the definition of the rights and responsibilities of cooperation between the two parties, it is necessary to quantify and set prerequisites as much as possible. For example, regarding the clarification of quality standards, under what circumstances the washing company needs to pay compensation, or needs to be rewashed.These aspects require clearer indicators and descriptions. For example, the definition of backwashing corresponds to the size of the stains required for backwashing, but does not affect the normal use of linens by customers. Only these positions that are acceptable to both parties need to be made clear in the contract. This can provide a good basis for subsequent disputes between the two parties. For another example, the abuse of linen within customers also needs to be clarified as an impact on the achievement of washing quality.

Objectively speaking, the difference between a professional contract and a business contract can basically be clearly distinguished based on the number of pages. This is just like if some of our laundry companies have the opportunity to cooperate with large groups or very formal laundry companies, the terms of all aspects of the contracts of these companies will be carefully considered, and the specific details will be very clear. After all, the cooperation between washing companies and customers is long-term and continuous. A contract is the regulation for the cooperation between the two parties. If this regulation is very rough, it will definitely bring about many hidden dangers in subsequent cooperation. However, A complete and professional contract will not only allow customers to understand the professionalism of the washing company, but more importantly, it is also an excellent opportunity to build trust between both parties. Therefore, washing companies should pay great attention to the washing contract and continue to invest in optimization. After all, the various tuition fees paid by a company and the lessons learned will be the best reward when they are finally applied to the washing contract. .