Iron is called the "hematopoietic element"! Recommendation to women: No matter rich or poor, eat more 6 kinds of high-fat vegetables in summer. Many people have suffered from anemia in life. However, most patients are women. Due to the physiological characteristics of women-menst

Iron is called the "hematopoietic element"! Recommendation to women: No matter rich or poor, eat more 6 kinds of high-fat vegetables in summer.

In life, many people have suffered from anemia. However, most patients are women. Due to the physiological characteristics of women-menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, etc., they are prone to anemia. Symptoms of anemia appear. Part of the cause of anemia is the lack of iron in the body. Nowadays, many vegetables on the market have the effect of supplementing iron. Therefore, it is recommended that women eat more of these 6 vegetables with high iron content in their daily diet.


Recommended recipe: Leek Egg Pancake

Ingredients: Leeks, eggs, flour

Seasonings: salt, chicken essence, oyster sauce, white pepper, sesame oil, cooked oil

1. Pour 500 grams of flour into a basin and add 1 tablespoon of salt. Use chopsticks to mix evenly, mix the two halves of the flour, pour 200 grams of boiling water into half of the flour and stir while pouring; mix the other half of the flour with cold water; mix the two pieces of dough together; make the dough into a round shape. Rub it from top to bottom, then turn it into a round shape with your hands, and brush the surface with a layer of oil; wash the leeks, drain them, and cut them into small pieces.

2. Beat two eggs, mix well, stir-fry until cooked, mince, and put in a large basin with leeks; add salt, chicken essence, oyster sauce, white pepper , sesame oil, and cooked oil and stir well; Use a rolling pin to roll out the dough; wrap the prepared filling in it like a bun.

3. Tighten the mouth and flatten it; press the stuffing into a cake; brush a layer of hot oil on the electric baking pan , preheat, put the pressed cake into the electric baking pan, and put the cake After finishing, brush a layer of oil on the cake; fry for two minutes, turn over, and fry for another two minutes before taking it out of the pan.

The cake is browned and crispy, and the filling is salty and delicious. It is especially suitable for breakfast with white porridge or soy milk.


Recommended recipe: Stir-fried pork with celery

Ingredients: celery, lean meat, red pepper, ginger, garlic, eggs, starch

Seasonings: chicken essence, light soy sauce, soy sauce, salt, cooking wine, dark soy sauce, oil consumption

1 , wash the celery; cut the washed celery into small pieces with a diagonal knife; pack the celery cubes and celery leaves separately.

2. Prepare a piece of lean meat, first cut it into thicker slices, and then cut it into shredded meat; put the shredded meat in a bowl, add salt, cooking wine, dark soy sauce, soy sauce, and oil, mix well; mix well and then put it into the bowl Beat an egg white, add a spoonful of starch, mix well; add a little cooking oil, continue to mix, mix well and marinate for 10 minutes.

3. Take half of the chili pepper; shred it and put it on a plate; slice the garlic and ginger and put it on a plate; add water to the wok, add 1 spoon of cooking oil after the water boils, and blanch the celery in the pot.

4. Boil the water again, take out the celery and drain it; heat the pan with cold oil, stir-fry the shredded pork until cooked; turn on high heat and stir-fry evenly, stir-fry until cooked and put in a bowl; heat the pan again, add ginger slices and garlic slices Sauté until fragrant; add celery, 2 tablespoons of salt to taste, stir-fry evenly over high heat; add chili shreds and celery leaves; fry the celery leaves until soft, then add shredded pork, add 1 tablespoon of chicken essence, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, and cook over high heat Stir well and serve.

Celery is crisp and delicious, and you can bite out celery juice . The shredded pork is fragrant and waxy, and it is very delicious when paired with celery.


Recommended recipe: seaweed

Ingredients: Nori, white sesame

Seasonings: sugar, light soy sauce, cooking oil

1. Prepare a small bowl, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, and stir until dissolved. ; Stir evenly and put the sauce into this clean, water-free and oil-free watering bottle; buy a pack of seaweed, don’t use too much, tear the seaweed into small pieces; after tearing the seaweed, pour half a spoonful of oil, you can use a little more oil Add it one at a time, and after adding it, put on gloves and mix evenly, so that the seaweed is evenly coated in oil.

2. Mix the seaweed evenly and pour it into an electric pan or casserole. Turn on low heat and stir-fry. Stir-fry a few times in the middle to prevent the seaweed from burning. Stir-fry for about 5 minutes. The color of the seaweed in the pot will turn green. Because the seaweed I tore is relatively thin, its color changes quickly; when most of the seaweed turns green, spray the prepared sauce evenly on the seaweed. After the sauce is sprayed, sprinkle a layer of white sesame seeds. , if you like to eat white sesame seeds, you can sprinkle more; continue to stir, stir the white sesame seeds evenly, then spray the sauce again, sprinkle another layer of white sesame seeds, stir-fry while stirring, stir-fry the water, and stir-fry the seaweed and white sesame seeds until fragrant , when you hear the crispy sound when stirring, it is ready to be taken out of the pot.

The seaweed made in this way is very crispy and thin, and it melts as soon as it enters the mouth. It is full of sesame flavor and is very enjoyable to eat by the handful.


Recommended recipe: Spinach scrambled eggs

Ingredients: spinach, fungus, hen's egg, shallot, garlic

Seasoning: salt, pepper

1. Prepare a handful of spinach, cut off the roots and clean; cut the spinach into long sections Set aside; beat 4 hen eggs in a bowl, add a little pepper to remove the fishy smell; mix the eggs evenly.

2. Put the soaked fungus in a bowl; put the chopped onions and garlic on a plate and set aside; do not pour oil into the pot, pour the chopped spinach and add a bowl of water; fry the spinach over high heat until it is raw, add minced garlic and fry fragrant.

3. Stir-fry until fragrant and put on a plate and set aside; blanch the fungus in a pot, remove and put it together with the spinach; heat the oil in the pot, add egg liquid after the oil is hot, fry the eggs until golden brown on both sides, then stir-fry, add chopped green onion Stir-fry until fragrant; add spinach and fungus after stir-fry, add appropriate amount of salt to taste, stir-fry evenly and serve.

Original, fragrant and delicious, the taste is not as light as expected, it is worth a try.


Recommended recipe: steamed cilantro

Ingredients: cilantro, carrots , garlic, green onions, flour

Seasonings: thirteen spices, chicken essence, cooking oil, edible salt

1. Remove the old roots and rotten leaves of the cilantro. Pour an appropriate amount of water into the basin; wash it several times and wash it thoroughly; drain the washed coriander and cut it into small sections; shred the carrot, cut it and put it in the basin with the coriander.

2. Prepare cooking oil. Stir the coriander and carrot once. Stir evenly and continue pouring in flour. Add flour until the vegetables are evenly coated with flour. Prepare a grate, brush a layer of cooking oil on the grate, and mix well. The vegetables are spread evenly on the cage grate.

3. Bring water to a boil and steam for about 1 minute. Steam until there is water vapor on the pot lid. Use chopsticks to stir up the steamed vegetables, then cover the pot and steam for 2 minutes. Once steamed, Take the steamed vegetables out of the pot and let them cool; mince the garlic and slice the green onions and put them on a plate; add the minced garlic and green onion slices in hot oil and stir-fry until fragrant; add the steamed vegetables to the pot after they are fragrant, turn up the heat and stir-fry evenly, add 1 tablespoon of edible salt, 1 spoon of thirteen spices and 1 spoon of chicken essence. Turn on high heat and continue to stir-fry. Stir-fry evenly and it is ready to serve.

It is salty, delicious, nutritious and healthy. The key is that it is very simple to make.


Recommended recipe: Cold Kelp

Ingredients: Compressed kelp, carrots, onions, coriander, white sesame seeds, millet pepper, garlic

Seasonings: light soy sauce, mature vinegar, edible salt, chicken essence, white sugar, cooking oil , chili noodles

1. Tear open a pack of compressed kelp; soak the compressed kelp in water. This kind of kelp does not need to be boiled, you can eat it after soaking. After the kelp is soaked, take it out and put it into a basin; prepare a small bowl, add white sesame seeds, millet spicy, minced garlic, and chili noodles; pour 1 spoon of hot oil into the bowl and fry until fragrant.

2. After frying until fragrant, add light soy sauce, mature vinegar, salt, chicken essence, and white sugar; stir evenly; add shredded carrots, onions, and coriander segments to the basin containing kelp; pour in the sauce we have prepared, and then stir Evenly.

Cold seaweed made in this way is sour and spicy, appetizing and crispy, delicious and not greasy, and more fragrant than the ones in restaurants.

Many women are busy working during the day and taking care of household chores at night. It is difficult for them to take time to take care of themselves and exercise. The body is the capital of survival. No matter how busy you are, you must put your health first. When you go home to cook in the evening, you can make the above recipe to replenish your body with nutrients, nourish your body, and have energy for whatever you do.