"Richer, Smarter, Happier" "Richer, Smarter, Happier" introduces the investment wisdom of more than 40 investment gurus including Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, John Templeton, and Howard Marks. . In sharing the daily stories of in-depth contact with many investment masters, the

"Richer, Smarter and Happier"

"Richer, Smarter and Happier" introduces Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, John Templeton, Howard Marks The investment wisdom of more than 40 investment masters including . In sharing the daily stories of in-depth contact with many investment masters, the author William Green summarized the investment masters' ways of conducting themselves in the world, and also discovered what these first-class investment masters have in common. They are all:

practitioners of long-termism;

discipline adherents who are good at patience;

calm and tenacious investors.

"Behavior Modifies the Brain"

Everything in the world is in motion. Like tangible things, intangible thoughts are always in motion and sometimes even elusive. In space, action precedes language, just as thought is based on action. Our actions in space are constantly changing the space, changing ourselves and others. Our actions create things that change ourselves and others in space, and these things in turn affect our thinking and the thinking of others. Just like the words you are reading, although they are just printed quietly on paper, they can affect strangers who have never met.

Barbara Tversky, academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and former president of the American Association for Psychological Science, puts forward an important new theory of human cognition in this book: Language is not the basis of thinking, behavior is. How we think about space and how we think with space are two important implications of this book for readers. Spatial thinking, rooted in the perception of space and behavior in space, is the basis of all people's thinking.

Barbara Tversky proposed 9 cognitive laws in the book, telling us that body and behavior are the basis of thinking. Spatial cognition is not just a peripheral aspect of thinking,...

"Main Street"

"Main Street" is the masterpiece of Nobel Prize winner in Literature Sinclair Lewis. The novel is set in a small town in the United States around the time of World War I. It describes Carol, an urban female intellectual, who marries into a small town and becomes the wife of a country doctor. At first she was full of enthusiasm and tried to "transform" this small town bound by traditional conservative forces, but she encountered huge resistance. Her thoughts were so incompatible with the reality of the town that she was forced to leave the town and go to Washington to find a job, but in the end she had to return to the town and continue to face the old traditional forces that she could not change. This book is highly satirical and provides an in-depth discussion of social issues in the United States.