Before reading this article, please click "Follow" above to subscribe to our latest content for free. Thank you for your support. Compared with the current price of two-wheeled electric vehicles 2 years ago, there has been a significant price increase. Two years ago, 3,000 yuan c

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Compared with the price of two-wheeled electric vehicles 2 years ago, there has been a significant price increase. Two years ago, 3,000 yuan could buy a model with high configuration. This year, I spent 3,000 yuan to buy a new national standard electric bicycle, which does not necessarily mean that the configuration is very high. On the contrary, those electric bikes priced at 4,000 to 5,000 yuan are very popular. . Electric cars priced below 2,000 yuan are rare. Why? Will electric vehicles become more and more expensive? There are four main reasons, insiders will tell you!

Reason 1. The industry reshuffle is basically completed

2014-2019 is the reshuffle period of the electric vehicle industry. There are more than 2,000 large and small companies in the electric vehicle industry. Now after the reshuffle, there are less than 50 active brands left. And most of the sales are controlled by first-line brands such as Yadi , Emma, ​​ Tailing and so on. The pricing power and the right to speak are all in the hands of big brands. Big brands that lost a lot of money in price wars in the past have now partially monopolized the market. They can slowly recover the costs they spent before, and now they have to double their costs. And the best way is to increase prices.

Reason 2: The listing of leading brands requires performance and profits

Yadea, Xinri, Emma, ​​ Mavericks , and No. 9 electric vehicle companies have become listed companies, and their biggest assessment indicator is growth. rates and profit margins. If we still rely on the past method of price wars and sacrificing profits to gain sales, it will no longer work. What everyone is fighting for now is profits. How to make shareholders make money and stabilize market value is the first priority.

Reason 3. Rising raw material prices

The 2021 mask incident superimposed on the Russia-Ukraine conflict has led to a sharp rise in international and domestic raw material prices. Two-wheeled electric vehicles in the real economy have not been spared. A large amount of profits are made by upstream raw material merchants. It will definitely not work for big brand companies such as Yadea and Emma to only sell cars without making money. Therefore, a wave of price increases for electric vehicles has hit. First, motor, battery, and tire supporting companies increase prices, and then vehicle manufacturers announce price increases. Ultimately, this is transmitted to the terminal, and consumers will feel that the prices are getting more and more expensive.

Reason 4. The explosion of independent products and intelligence

Whether it is head brands such as Yadi and Emma, ​​or mid-stream brands such as Lima, Xinlei , Green Jia , etc., they have begun to build their own brands and establish their own differentiated product. First of all, molds need to be developed and designed independently. In addition, product functions and configurations have been greatly upgraded, such as NFC unlocking, sensor unlocking, light-sensing headlights, and smart APP functions. These are all points that increase costs. Therefore, an electric car that seems to cost 3,000 yuan goes straight to 5,000 yuan. This is why there are more and more electric cars priced at 5,000 yuan.


The price increase of electric vehicles is an inevitable trend. The first is that inflation will increase the production costs of enterprises. Enterprises must increase prices to produce good products. The second is that the matryoshka products of the past have been very popular. It's hard to be competitive. If you want to go to the next level, you must create products with your own label, so that users can recognize you and accept you. Guys, what do you think about this? Your messages are welcome!