I would like to be accompanied by books in this life. When children from poor families study, there is always a scripture that is difficult to recite. Whenever I see the books of different thicknesses and decorations in the bookcase or on the desk, I feel the ups and downs in my

I would like to be accompanied by books in this life

When children from poor families study, there is always a scripture that is difficult to recite. Whenever I see books of different thicknesses and decorations in the bookcase or on the desk, I feel the ups and downs in my heart like an overturned five-flavor bottle...

My childhood was spent during the "Cultural Revolution". of. At that time, my family was like other families living in rural areas. The rations that my parents received from the team could not feed the whole family, so they often had to worry about eating one meal and worrying about the next. When I was six years old, my illiterate parents sent me to a village primary school. I was very happy to hold the new book in my hand, but my mother still owed only more than one yuan a semester for tuition and miscellaneous fees. When I come back from school every day, I am either busy cooking and waiting for my parents to go to work, or I go up the mountain to herd cattle and cut grass. I rarely have time to study, so I have to stay up late at night and read. In order to save money on lamp oil, my parents would not let the lamp be lit for too long. I had to blow out the lights first and wait for my parents, who had been working hard all day, to sleep soundly, then quietly get up and light the lights to continue reading.

As time goes by, literary books such as novels also interest me. Although the price of books was not as expensive as today, thicker books cost one or two yuan, which was beyond the reach of a child from a poor family. Once, I saw a novel called "Martial Arts Team Behind Enemy Lines" in a bookstore and asked the lady selling the book how much it cost. Unexpectedly, she saw that I was dressed as a country boy and said angrily: "Two yuan and three yuan, can you afford it?" "I weighed the only sixty cents in my pocket and walked out of the bookstore with an indescribable feeling. In order to gain some reputation, and because I was obsessed with the book, I went to the streets to exchange money for some food from home, behind the back of my parents the next day. I took the money from the business owner and went straight to the bookstore. "I want to buy a copy of "Armed Forces Behind Enemy Lines"!" Seeing the eldest sister selling books the day before, I shouted to her. She came over and gave me the book, still looking a little impatient. "Count it carefully and see if I can afford it!" I said to her loudly and deliberately while paying. Seeing her look guilty, I felt so guilty. When my mother found out that I was going behind the adults' backs to exchange things for money, she beat me severely, scolded me for not living up to expectations, and then wiped away her tears. People say that I am the most obsessed with reading, and this is indeed not an exaggeration. I remember one time, I borrowed a good book, and because I was busy returning it, I rushed to read it while the fire was cooking. The fire in the stove ignited the firewood in front of the stove without realizing it, and almost burned the house down. .

Since I was in high school, I have developed the habit of visiting bookstores. When I go there, if I have money, I buy it. If I don’t have money, I just try to understand it so that I can buy it next time. In 1982, I graduated from college and was assigned to work in a remote town. Although I had fewer opportunities to buy books, I never left books. Later, I took the self-study examination for higher education undergraduates and went to Qingdao several times a year, and I had the opportunity to visit bookstores and buy books. It's shabby to say the least. Every time before going to Qingdao, I always calculated and calculated the money I brought with me. Except for the fare and food expenses, there was almost nothing extra. Although this is the case, every time I arrive in Qingdao, the first thing I do is go to the bookstore to buy a few books. Once, I saw several books that I liked at " Sanwei Bookstore ", so I spent more than 40 yuan to buy them all. When it was time to go home, apart from the fare, I had no money for food, and it was inconvenient to borrow from others, so I had to go home with an empty stomach.

The ups and downs of reading and buying books are endless, but there is also sweetness in the ups and downs. Although it is not like what the ancients said, "The book contains beauty like jade, and the book contains a free house of gold", it can increase your talents, teach you how to behave, and help you succeed in your career. If there were no books and no hard study in the past, how could I have those two or three hundred "matchboxes" and "tofu cubes" in the newspapers? Where can I come from a remote village to work in the city?

Book, I am willing to accompany you in this life.


Yang Bingyang, born in in 1958, is from Weifang, Shandong Province. He graduated from the Chinese Department of Shandong University and worked in "People's Daily" "People's Literature 》" Poetry Magazine ", " Popular Daily ", "Stars Poetry Magazine", "Qingdao Literature" and other newspapers and periodicals have published many works.

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