Introduction: For some foodies, food delivery is an inseparable figure in life. Under the "stay-at-home economy", the demand for food delivery is increasing day by day, and more and more people are running to deliver food. As long as a person is diligent and willing to work, he w


Delivery workers are inseparable characters in life for some foodies. Under the "stay-at-home economy", the demand for takeaways is increasing day by day, and more and more people are going to deliver takeaways.

As long as a person is hardworking and willing to work, he will never starve to death. However, when seeing the takeaway guys all over the street, some people will wonder why they are all young and strong guys. They don’t have more lofty ideals and choose to be a takeaway boy instead. Because we all know that delivery workers do not require much technical content. To put it bluntly, the entry barrier is extremely low. It seems that there is not much pursuit for a person to choose this profession. More and more young people choose to deliver food. Is the food delivery industry really profitable? Or is it caused by other reasons.

1. The salary of the delivery boy

It is certain that you can make a lot of money by delivering food, but this money is also earned through hard work alone. Riders on a domestic food delivery platform have a guaranteed monthly income, usually around RMB 2,500. How much they can earn depends mainly on how many orders they receive. In , those who can receive 500 orders a month generally earn 2,800 yuan. The higher the number of orders, the higher the price per order. Each order of more than 800 orders is 5.5 yuan. If you can guarantee more than 1,000 orders a month, the price will be 6 yuan per order. Most delivery workers can do more than 1,000 orders a month, so their monthly income is at least 6,000 yuan. If you are in a first-tier city such as Shanghai, due to the high unit price, it is naturally common for a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan.

A white-collar worker working in an office building in the same city may not have so much money in a month, but the food delivery workers earn hard-earned money, which they earn through the wind and rain. In the final analysis, sells cheap labor, and the higher wages are obtained by putting in more physical effort. In the short term, a young person can work as a delivery boy. Not only does the salary not be low, but he can also train himself and gain some experience in society. If you regard delivery service as a long-term career, you are obviously not enterprising. You can maintain a basic living by delivering food for a lifetime, but in the long run people will not make much progress or learn much. You can only sell your physical strength in exchange for living expenses, and your life is limited to this.

I believe everyone understands the limitations of the delivery job, but there are still so many young people investing in it. Naturally, there are other reasons. First of all, must be forced by life. People have to work to support themselves. Delivery service is a job that most people can do. Life is not easy for ordinary people at the bottom. They have no other skills and can only rely on selling their labor force. Although the job of delivering food is profitable, it is not easy. No matter how bad the wind or rain is, food must be served. When a customer calls for food, the delivery boy must try his best to arrive. will be complained about later and the platform will deduct money. This job is not easy and requires more understanding from the public.

2. The last resort

Not everyone in this society is born into a wealthy family or has achieved good education. Most people do not have high education and can only do manual labor. Among the professions that can be chosen in , food delivery is the first choice. First of all, it has a low threshold and does not require much skills or even ability. As long as you are willing to work, you can make money. And this job is much more free than working in a factory. You don’t have to be constrained too much and you can do as much work as you want to earn. This is also a change in the career outlook of modern young people. Most of them advocate freedom. Although delivery work is also working for others, at least there are not too many restrictions. If you say you don't want to do it, you can quit without too many worries.

The downturn of physical enterprises is also an important reason why young people turn to the food delivery industry. Some factories and enterprises are struggling to operate, and they always rely on keeping employees' profits as low as possible to develop. When a factory recruits people, they often offer attractive wages, but in fact they still have to spend a lot of working time in exchange. Working in a factory has many rigid rules and regulations. It is often implemented in three shifts, and it is rare to even have a day off on weekends.Young people have also seen through the reality that they are making money for their bosses, and no one is willing to work so hard in exchange for that little salary. There is not much hope for future development when working in factories. Some people think that they can at least learn some skills before entering the factory, but many jobs are still simple mechanical repetitions, which consumes a person's energy in the long run.


The professions that compete with delivery workers are not those glamorous high-paying jobs, but those labor-intensive industries . If given the opportunity, who wouldn’t want to start his own business or find a job that is easy and profitable. But there are still a large number of people in this society who need to engage in manual labor. Compared with the past, when most people could only choose to work in factories, today's food delivery industry also provides one more choice. In a situation where employment is difficult, the demand in the food delivery market is still huge, which can allow many young people to have a relatively free job. The work of delivering food in is not easy, and the pressure to make money is also great, but at least the mental burden will be smaller. Compared to working hard and mechanically in a factory, the delivery boy riding a bicycle on the road is at least relaxed most of the time.