When it comes to ancient dynasties, the three dynasties that have the most profound influence on everyone are the Han, Tang, and Ming dynasties. The Han Dynasty was strong and prosperous, and we gained the title of Han from this, and our defeat of the Xiongnu gave us national sel

Speaking of ancient dynasties, the three dynasties that have had the greatest influence on everyone are the Han, Tang, and Ming dynasties. The Han Dynasty was strong and powerful, and we gained the title of Han people. Defeating the Xiongnu established our national confidence. During the Tang Dynasty period, thousands of countries came to the dynasty, and the military was strong. Tang Taizong Li Shimin was called the " Khan of the sky "! The Ming Dynasty "The emperor guards the country, the king dies in the country" shows the ironclad dynasty established by the last Han people .

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There is another dynasty that most people don't want to mention, which is Song Dynasty . When people talk about and in the Song Dynasty, people generally think of "emphasis on culture over military affairs, the emperor is fatuous, and he pays tribute to foreign ministers" and so on. I do not deny that this is a fact!

But do you know? The Song Dynasty was the most prosperous period economically and culturally in Chinese history. Six of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties came from the Song Dynasty. foreign trade achieved high achievements. At that time, the Song Dynasty's GDP accounted for 80% of the world. Bi Sheng invented papermaking technology, and Zhang Zeduan drew the " Along the River During the Qingming Festival ", Li Shizhen wrote "Compendium of Materia Medica" and so on. At that time, the average monthly salary of ordinary people in the Song Dynasty reached 10,000 to 20,000 yuan. There was little pressure in life, and there were abundant entertainment activities in the evening, such as drinking, watching theater, poetry and singing, etc. The entertainment life of the people in the Song Dynasty was extremely rich!

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"Weak Song Dynasty, Soft Song Dynasty" is the impression many people have on it now. The most criticized aspect is its external weakness. Many people say that the Song Dynasty's military was not strong, reaching the point where "the generals did not know the soldiers, and the soldiers did not know the generals." Indeed, compared with Han and Tang , the military of the Song Dynasty is not so prominent, but is it really that weak? No! During the Song Dynasty, it faced the Liao, Jin, Xixia and other military powers, while the Han Dynasty only faced the Huns, and the Tang Dynasty only faced the Turks. It can be seen that during the and Song dynasties, it faced How much military pressure is there! Under such circumstances, it could still persist for more than three hundred years. Do you think the Song Dynasty was weak?

The Song Dynasty was the best era for scholar-bureaucrats and people. Although they suffered more defeats in foreign wars, they vigorously developed the economy internally and made the people rich, which made everyone miss the Song Dynasty very much.

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Finally, in the battle of Yashan where Yuan Dynasty was destroyed Southern Song Dynasty , the army and the people shared the same hatred. However, the Mongolian army was too powerful, and in the end hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians were willing to surrender. He did not want to be ruled by the Yuan Dynasty, which illustrates the problem. Let me ask, which dynasty can achieve such popular support?