In 2022, the lunar calendar is the year of Renyin. The old man said that "the wind and clouds are surging, and the water and fire are both coming." Netizens said that according to the "Five Movements and Six Qi", it is known that excessive wood will cause wind, and according to t

2022 is the year of Renyin in the lunar calendar. The old man said that "the wind and clouds are rising, and the fire and water are both coming together." should be taken with care at all times.

Netizens said that according to " Five Luck and Six Qi ", it is known that excessive wood will cause wind. According to " Book of Changes ", it can be concluded that this year "water and fire are both beneficial". It means sitting in a leaky boat, using clothes to plug the holes, but eventually getting your head wet with water. This is not a good sign.

This year, by the Yalu River, the source of the endless COVID-19 epidemic cannot be found. The endless nucleic acid testing is labor-consuming and time-consuming. The mucous membrane of the throat is peeled off, and the throat becomes tight just by mentioning the conditioned reflex. Coupled with the continuous rain, people's patience was exhausted.

There has been a lot of rain this year and it lasts a long time. Every day and night lasts for ten months. Transparent raindrops can pour down instantly at any time.

Either there are thunderous thunders and violent storms, turning the roads and lanes into pools and rivers; or they are as thin as flower needles, leisurely sewing the high and low mountains into the vast white curtain.

Plum Huang Shiyu has lost the tenderness and poetic charm of previous years. Only the flowers, plants and trees in the park are green everywhere, and the moisture penetrates the leaves, making them crystal clear and full of energy.

"It rains heavily and the moon doesn't bloom." Small mushrooms and thin white mold threads grew in the corners of the walls. If it is not removed in time, it will become longer or yellowish the next day and smell pungent.

The most uncomfortable thing is people's bodies, as if they have been soaked in rain for a long time. Most people are mentally exhausted, unwilling to eat, unwilling to use their brains, and lazy. Even though I'm just coping at my job. This is caused by excessive wind, cold, heat, and humidity.

The six exogenous pathogenic factors in traditional Chinese medicine are the general term for the six exogenous pathogenic factors: wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire. The phases of yin and yang shift, cold and heat change, and climate changes all have certain laws and limits. If the climate changes abnormally and the six qi occur too much or too little, the body cannot adapt, which will inevitably lead to the occurrence of diseases.

"Huangdi Neijing" talks about "nurturing yang in spring and summer". In summer, it is necessary to nourish yang, and it is also necessary to warm the spleen and stomach to remove cold and damp. Only when the body spleen and stomach Yang Qi is sufficient, can nutrients be absorbed and converted into qi, blood and body fluids , which can nourish the internal organs and transform dampness and turbidity, so as to avoid excessive cold and dampness in the body, which can lead to obesity.

Today I will share the secret recipe of Nan Huaijin old man to warm the spleen and stomach and remove dampness . wishes everyone good health and good luck.

The recipe for Nanshi navel patch comes from Mr. Nan Huaijin, and it is recorded in " I Speak of the Same Tongqi":

"Use one longan meat , six or seven peppercorns, and moxa and beat them together , when sleeping at night, pick a small amount, which is as big as the surface of your pinky finger, and just put it in your belly button . There is a hole in the belly button. When we were in the womb, our eating, drinking and breathing were connected to our mother through this belly button. . So put this medicine on your belly button, seal it with a rubber patch and go to sleep. It is better than the warming moxibustion device . is good for stomach problems and all kinds of diseases.

The belly button is an important acupoint - Shenque point . It connects the true qi and true yang of the human body inwards and can greatly replenish the yang energy. At the same time, the three meridians of Rendai Chong also pass through the Shenque point and are connected to the internal organs.

The changes in yin and yang in the human body can be adjusted by stimulating the Shenque point to achieve a state of "yin is balanced and yang is secreted, and the spirit is cured". The belly button is very sensitive. What the body needs will be absorbed, and what is not needed will not be absorbed.

Mr. Nan first said that this is a Taoist method. The three materials are all warm in nature, have a great dehumidification effect, and can make water and fire interact. It can regulate the gastrointestinal tract, nourish the heart and spleen, nourish blood and calm the nerves, dispel cold and relieve pain, kill insects and remove dampness. It is also effective for insomnia, dysmenorrhea, cold hands and feet, wind-cold and colds. Mugwort in

recipe: Mugwort is a pure yang grass, the nemesis of cold and damp poisons. It can unblock the meridians of the whole body. It is best at warming and replenishing yang energy, dispelling cold and dampness, and is most suitable for people with qi and blood deficiency and cold blockage.

The Zanthoxylum bungeanum in the recipe is pungent and heat-warming medicine, and its pungent and dispersing properties are warming and drying. It can disperse cold and dampness, relieve stagnation, eliminate chronic food, unblock the triple burner and warm the spleen and stomach, and nourish the right kidney vitality gate. The nature and flavor are aromatic and can bring the medicinal properties to the internal organs and meridians to warm the spleen and kidneys, dispel cold and remove dampness.

The longan meat in the recipe can nourish the heart and spleen, nourish blood and calm the nerves. It is used for deficiency of qi and blood, blood deficiency and chlorosis, heart palpitations, and forgetfulness and insomnia.

Indications :

1. People with yang deficiency, cold and dampness, the best effect is on people who are afraid of cold and have cold hands and feet. Every time you sleep after applying it, you will feel warm and comfortable around your lower abdomen.

2. People with weak spleen and stomach cannot eat raw or cold food. Eating cooling fruits is prone to abdominal pain and diarrhea, poor digestion and poor defecation.

3. Women with cold uterus, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation or blood clots can be used.

4, People who suffer from insomnia and dreaminess or have palpitations, palpitations, chest pain, feeling restless, and are still listless after waking up.

5. In summer, the yang energy is on the surface and the spleen and stomach are weak in the body. Friends who want to maintain a good figure can use it.

6. It can be used by friends with physical Qi deficiency Yang deficiency and heavy moisture.

7. The tongue coating is fat and has tooth marks . It is prone to nausea, edema, dark circles under the eyes, the body feels heavy and does not want to move, and the stool sticks to the toilet. It can be used by people who are prone to obesity.

People with the above symptoms of yang deficiency can use this navel pill to dispel cold, dehumidify and strengthen the body. It can be used in any season. However, due to the principle of "treating winter diseases in summer", it is recommended that the best effect is to dispel cold and strengthen yang in summer. .

Warm reminder:

1. Remember to get up the next morning and take it off before 10 o'clock at the latest.

2. It is contraindicated for those with excess heat constitution, yin deficiency constitution, , or even those with phlegm, dampness and stagnation of heat in the body.

3. If you feel hot and dry during use, stop and let your body repair the rest.

4. It should not be used by children and pregnant women.

I am Xinyu. Thank you for reading. I wish you health, happiness and good years.