The kid will start taking exams next Monday. He promised last night to focus more on review this weekend, but he forgot what he said yesterday. When he woke up early in the morning, he saw him watching TV next to him. As soon as he saw me next to him, he immediately turned off th

My kid will start taking exams next Monday. He told me last night that he would focus more on review this weekend, but he forgot what he said yesterday. When he woke up early in the morning, he saw him watching TV next to him. He turned it off as soon as he saw me next to him. The TV was staring at me like this, and I was able to smile and asked:

What did my father explain yesterday?

prepare well for the exam next week.

What are you doing now?

was in a daze.

could only laugh secretly in his heart. He was so speechless. He just wanted to get over what he had to explain in a daze.

Children are easy to guess their thoughts. Unfortunately, sometimes we have to pretend not to understand and then study with them. This can increase their curiosity and help them take things seriously and study them on their own.

I copied this book today and sent Sun He to the History Museum in the hope that he would understand and take everything seriously. Although there were no updates in the past few days, I took the books I copied for more than thirty days. Give it to him and tell him, Dad insists on doing it every day, why do you have to be lazy?

completed his review this weekend. I will also take out the content copied during this period and explain it to him in detail. I hope he can learn something from it!