With the graduation season approaching, many college students have also left campus and entered the city. Also recently, the list of top livable cities among "post-00s" has been on the hot search list. Based on the livable cities recommended by "Little Red Book" netizens and the

With the graduation season approaching, many college students have also left campus and entered the city.

has also recently become a hot search on the TOP list of livable cities among "post-00s".

Based on the livable cities recommended by netizens on "Little Red Book" and based on the city's popularity index, this TOP list of cities most recommended by young people has also been released.

As shown in the figure, you can see that Changsha is at the top of the list.

So, how do netizens judge the standards of a livable city?

As shown in the figure below, netizens have their own standards for measuring livable cities.

TOP1 - Cost-effectiveness of life: The cost-effectiveness between income and quality of life. While the income is acceptable, there is still a certain amount of time to enjoy life.

TOP2——Convenience of living: Convenient life and convenient transportation.

TOP3 - Job opportunities: There are more large companies and innovative industries locally, which can provide more job opportunities.

It is worth noting that as the four most economically powerful cities in China - Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, only Guangzhou is on the list, ranking TOP17.

Why is the popular Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen not “popular” now?

Some netizens said bluntly: Not to mention the post-00s generation, the post-90s generation also began to flee Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to find livable cities.

Although super first-tier cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have more employment opportunities, they also have better transportation, medical, education and other resources.

But housing prices are indeed something that cannot be ignored.

It can be seen that when netizens "sit down for livable cities", housing prices are also the most popular keywords.

Although the salaries and resources available in these cities are better, they are not what everyone considers livable cities.

With the advancement of urbanization, many people choose to flock to cities. The most important thing is-the salary is high!

For example: Our capital, Beijing.

According to media reports, in 2021, Beijing ranked first in the country with a per capita monthly salary of “11,000 yuan”.

As the capital, Beijing is the place where many people’s dreams begin. How many people cherish the dream of becoming a member of the Beidiao.

However, while Beijing ranks first in terms of average salary, it also ranks first in population loss rate. Where the dream of

began, many people began to choose to escape.

Why does this phenomenon occur?

Some netizens said:

"In the past, the way many people chose a city was very simple, with nothing more than three choices - Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, hometown, and the city where the university is located. Many good cities have been ignored, but today's young people, There has been a big change in the thinking of the four households.”

In fact, it is not difficult to find from this list of livable cities that today’s young people pay more attention not to how good their salary is, but how comfortable their life is.

Regarding the phenomenon of more and more young people choosing to move out of the city, some experts have analyzed it from four aspects:

① High housing pressure:

The most important thing is housing pressure. With thousands of lights in the city, many people I want to have one of my own.

Faced with the high housing prices in the city, many people can only stay away. For a house in the city, many people may not be able to afford the down payment even if they empty their wallets. In addition, there is also the pressure of mortgage.

Even if you can afford a house, it is inevitable that your quality of life will decline when you are saddled with a mortgage for 20-30 years.

Buying a house is not feasible, but the housing problem still needs to be solved, so many people can only choose to rent. However, in addition to high housing prices, rents in the city are also low.

This reminds me of the hot search a few days ago - 22 people living in one, two bedrooms and two living rooms in Shanghai.

There is also this circle of friends with rental house information:

② High competition pressure:

In big cities, although there are many employment opportunities, there are also more people.Even though the average salary in big cities is very high, the word "average" deceives many people.

For example: Recently, there has been a hot search about the per capita housing area in China.

Some netizens said: He has 84 square meters. If you don’t have a house to live in, talking about per capita is just a hooligan.

Some netizens gave an example: put the left foot into 100℃ water, the right foot is 0℃, and 50℃ is just right for soaking your feet.

If you want to get a high salary, you have to work harder than others.

Otherwise, in the end, it will only be averaged!

For example, this labor market at 4 a.m. is crowded with migrant workers looking for work.

Wages in big cities are high, but there are more people and competition will be greater.

They carried the "eating" guy on their backs and looked around. When they saw the boss coming, they all rushed towards him. Those who couldn't squeeze in could only stare with big eyes.

③ High cost of living:

Why many people live in cheap group rentals or so-called single-bathroom houses? The most important thing is the high cost of living.

Although the wages of many white-collar workers look good, after rent is put aside, there is not much left.

Therefore, some people who come from rural areas to work in cities have no choice but to suffer themselves in order to make money.

How many people "wandering" in the city can only use the sky as their quilt and the earth as their bed in order to support their families.

④ Sense of belonging:

Putting aside the issue of housing, many outsiders want to settle in the city, but they have no sense of belonging.

Even in some second-tier cities, it is difficult to settle down without buying a house.

In first-tier cities like Beijing, there is not to mention the issue of settlement. Every year, millions of people wait to settle down, but there are never enough places.

does not have a city registered residence, and naturally cannot enjoy some of the city’s welfare policies.

Many people who have left the city say that instead of wasting several years of their youth, it would be better to go back to their hometown or to a city where the pace of life is slower and more comfortable.


If it were you, how would you choose?

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