Do you have blue disposable masks at home? If so, be sure to read this article, it might be of great help to you. Now for some special reasons, we need to wear masks every day when we go out. Especially when taking transportation, it is particularly inconvenient to not have a mas

Do you have blue disposable masks at home? If you have , be sure to read this article, it may be of great help to you.

Now due to some special reasons, we need to wear masks when traveling every day. Especially when taking transportation, it is particularly inconvenient to not have a mask.

Wearing a mask can prevent dust and viruses from invading us, and can also protect our safety to the greatest extent.

Many people will buy some masks to keep at home for backup, but I don’t know if you have noticed that most of the masks on the market now are blue.

There are also some pink or white or black masks. Why do most doctors in hospitals wear blue masks? Do many people have questions about this?

First, relieve visual fatigue

In fact, wearing a blue mask can relieve visual fatigue, because a mask that is too white will irritate the doctor's eyes.

After the eyes are irritated, it is easy to cause visual fatigue, which is not conducive to work, so doctors in most hospitals wear blue masks.

Second, keep it clean and hygienic

I believe you can see the clothes doctors wear in hospitals. Most of them are white coats and the masks they wear are blue. So why do they use this method?

Because doctors have to contact a lot of patients every day, they can clearly see if there are stains on them when they put on their white coats. If there are any, they can be replaced in time.

Blue masks, in addition to relieving visual fatigue, can also relax patients.

Once the blue mask is stained with blood or other stains, it will not be so obvious, so it will not easily affect the patient's mood.

Third, distinguish the front and back sides

If we use a white mask instead of a blue mask, it is easy to not distinguish the front and back sides.

When using a blue mask, you only need to check which side is blue and which side is white, and you can quickly distinguish its front and back.

can save time when wearing it. can also make it easier to tell which side is the front and which side is the back before wearing it.

So the reasons why doctors wear blue masks are the above three. I believe everyone understands them after reading the article.

When we go to buy masks, we must carefully choose not to buy fake and shoddy products. What are fake and shoddy products?

The first type is a mask without a production date and expiration date.

Generally, masks will also have a production date and expiration date pasted on them. If not, they may be produced by a small workshop.

This kind of mask may be unqualified and not suitable for wearing outside.

The second type is a mask with only one or two layers of woven fabric

Generally regular masks are made of three layers of woven fabric, especially the middle layer is essential.

Because it is a filter layer, it can block extremely small bacteria. It is best not to buy a mask without a filter layer.

The third type is unqualified masks

Generally qualified masks will be marked on the packaging with the words disposable medical masks , or medical surgical masks .

If we don’t have these words when we buy it, it may be an ordinary mask or a fake mask.

Before buying , it is best to go to a regular pharmacy or store to buy it, so that you can use it with more confidence.

The above is about masks. Don’t forget to forward the article after reading it so that more people can see it. See you in the next issue.