What should you do if you ride a large electric bicycle and walk a long way, and after delivering the goods, the battery suddenly runs out when you return, and it gets dark again? The author once encountered this situation. Once he went to deliver goods far away. On the way back,

What should you do if you ride a large electric bicycle and walk a long way? After delivering the goods, the battery suddenly runs out when you return and it gets dark again? The author of

once encountered this situation. Once he went to deliver goods far away. On the way back, the electric car could only be pushed by hand. At that time, although he was helpless, he still tried hard to return to the store. inside.

When I push an electric car without power on the street, some people will see me pushing the car with difficulty; some may think that I don’t know how to calculate the mileage of the electric car; and some people suddenly put the car on Stop and look at who you and I are! There were also kind people who told me how to get there, and a master from an electric vehicle repair shop also let me charge it for free. I charged it for about a quarter of an hour•••••• and then passed antique street and crossed the west city wall. , Finally, I pushed the electric car for a long distance with difficulty, and finally returned to the store. Finally, I returned home very late.

friends! It is not easy to make money. There are many setbacks and pains to endure silently! Do you agree with my point of view? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area or give a like and a follow. Thank you very much!