On the evening of June 30, the symphonic suite "The Journey of Time" was hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Hebei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Hebei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, and the Hebei Federation of Literary and Art Cir

symphonic suite "The Journey of the Years" is a large-scale stage art work created with the theme of the great spirit of party building. The work brings together a strong creative team and performance lineup. Wang Xiaoling, former head of the Comrades Song and Dance Ensemble of the Beijing Military Region and a famous lyricist, serves as the literary coordinator and lyricist. Guan Xia, a famous composer and former head of the China Symphony Orchestra, serves as the literary coordinator. Music director and composer, deputy director and permanent conductor of the Hebei Symphony Orchestra Tuo Peng serves as the conductor, and the Hebei Symphony Orchestra serves as accompanist and chorus. With profound connotations, epic narratives and grand structures, he vividly depicts the glorious history of the Communist Party of China and affectionately Praise for the great party-building spirit.

symphonic suite "Journey of Years" is based on the song "Journey of Years" and consists of three parts: orchestral "Stars and Sea", the party-building spirit suite and the theme song "Journey of Years". The performance kicked off with the solemn melody of "Sea of ​​Stars". The Communist Party of China's long-lasting original aspiration and everlasting fighting spirit despite hardships were integrated into the solemn, high-spirited, warm and bright melody, igniting the passion for progress. Subsequently, 8 soulful songs including "Flag Dyeed Red by Dawn", "Never Forget", "Never Forget the Way We Came" and "Children of the Red Boat" were presented one by one through artistic means such as symphonic chorus, solo, duet, and mixed chorus. , which is as majestic as the vast sea, and also has deep-felt chants like a trickle, slow and slow, relaxed and relaxed. It uses rich musical language to three-dimensionally display the characters and time and space scenes in the party's journey over the years, and deeply Elaborate and praise the great party-building spirit. Finally, the theme song "The Journey of Time" brought the atmosphere to a climax in the form of a chorus. The passionate singing and inspiring melody echoed in the concert hall for a long time, infecting every audience present. Resonance arose on and off the stage, gathering consensus and strength to forge ahead on a new journey.

At the performance site, the symphony was exciting and the singing was shocking, deeply stimulating the audience's emotional resonance and triggering a strong response from the audience. As a young party member, Mr. Zhang, an audience member born in the 1990s, said that he was deeply shocked and moved after watching the symphonic suite "Journey of Years". "Using literary and artistic forms to carry out party history study and education is more vivid, more vivid, and more attractive." People. We must learn from our revolutionary ancestors, learn from outstanding party members and cadres, and contribute our own strength to the prosperity of the motherland and the great rejuvenation of the nation! "

" This year is the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the symphony group was launched on the eve of July 1st! The song "The Journey of the Years" uses a musical event to review the party's century-long history and eulogize the great founding spirit of the party. It is not only a gift for the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party, but also a welcome to the victory of the 20th National Congress of the party with excellent literary and artistic works. "Shang Mingkai, secretary and director of the Hebei Symphony Orchestra, said.