Hello everyone, I am Yikui. What I want to share with you today is the character settings that we need to pay attention to when writing novels. 1. Basic setting of the character ① Appearance: first impression. • Some settings that can be captured and felt through eyes, ears and o

Hello everyone, I am Yikui. What

shares with you today is the character settings that we need to pay attention to when writing novels.

1. Basic settings of characters

① Appearance: First impression.

• Some settings that can be captured and felt through eyes, ears and other organs.

• For example, appearance (height, hairstyle, skin color, face, clothing, voice, and some special marks such as scars, tattoos, etc.).

• Writing skills: Mention it through the perspective of other characters as much as possible, or describe it with some specific plots. Don't directly describe what the nose looks like, what the eyes look like, and what the mouth looks like.

intrinsic: should be experienced through long-term relationship.

•Character, outlook, interests, expertise, advantages and disadvantages, etc.

•Writing skills: express through plots and events, do not describe directly.

•In the plot, it can be expressed through the protagonist's speech, thinking, actions, etc.

fate line: the past, present and future of the protagonist of .

• The focus is on the present - the current situation and goals, and what needs to be done in order to change the situation and achieve the goals.

• Writing skills: It is not an autobiography, so there is no need to detail everything. What is important is the causes and consequences related to the story.

Character relationship: People who hinder or help the characters in completing the story goals in this story do not need ancestors.

2. The protagonist’s CP setting

cp type: mutual love, mutual secret love, one-way secret love , One-sided love

cp Nature: love at first sight • Love over time • Reunion • Reunion after a long separation • Marriage first and love later • Healing each other

cp Relationship: Opposition or unity; Is the relationship positive or negative?

cp Source of feeling: Contradiction • Bondage • Bundling • Mutual help • No matter which one it is, the most important thing is that both parties must have interaction

cpEmotional line:

points of pursuit and peace: break up at the beginning, then chase, and end together

Chasing and peace: from pursuit to end together

Chasing and pursuit: Pursue at the beginning, stay together in the middle, then break up, and pursue each other again

3. How to make the character fuller

Concrete appearance description; complicated life experience; conflicting inner personality; dynamic three views

4. How to write an interesting protagonist

Contrast; Diversity; Reality; Novelty

5. How to set up diversified supporting roles

1. The role of supporting roles: foil, contrast; assists (direct assists, indirect assists), obstacles (direct obstacles, indirect obstacles)

2. Classification of supporting roles: positive , neutral, negative

3. The setting of supporting roles: don’t be stereotyped; don’t steal the protagonist’s role; have your own story line; do things logically and with reasons; have memory points

6. What is character collapse, how to avoid it, and how Save

1. Character collapse: Character personality, behavior, etc. suddenly change without any excessive plot: it does not conform to the logic in the setting

2. How to avoid: Make an outline; understand the attributes you have set before writing

3. Remedy Method: Cut the text or modify

7. Popular characters are

black lotus, aloof, yandere, crazy critic, social bull, social fear, paranoid, sinister, funny, drama queen, beautiful and strong miserable, green tea, white cut and black , Nai Jing, Rough Man, Flower of the High Mountain, Sand Sculpture, Loyal Dog, Milk Dog