However, there are always some negative textbooks that are disgusting. Not long ago, the incident of "poisonous textbooks" caused an uproar, which further implicated the dirty side of the illustrations in children's books and the People's Education Press's elementary school mathe

In recent years, with the continuous improvement of national awareness, the sense of national cultural identity has also been increasing. Compared with the abnormal view that "the moon in foreign countries is rounder than in China" in the early years has become less and less, on the contrary, it has become more and more popular. Many foreign friends are impressed by the time-honored Chinese culture, and the wave of people speaking Chinese around the world has swept across the world.

However, there are always some negative textbooks that are disgusting. Not long ago, the incident of "poisonous textbooks" caused an uproar, which further implicated the dirty side of illustrations in children's books and the People's Education Press's elementary school mathematics textbooks. There was an uproar for a while, facing children. Education, all walks of life have zero tolerance, and finally the People's Education Edition announced the recall of the book and re-edited it and put it on the shelves.

What is gratifying is that our children have not been affected by the scary "ghost illustrations". It is said that using magic to defeat magic, open the children's book, and the illustrations inside are scribbled and drawn. Fortunately, the children have already formed I have understood my own aesthetics and already know the boundaries between beauty and ugliness. But we have to think deeply about what the author has in mind. The world of children is pure, so why is it mixed with such disgusting substances that are extremely scary? A truth that everyone understands is that the erosion of culture has caused The impact is subtle, and if cultural identity is disintegrated, the consequences will be disastrous.

Comparing the Chinese textbooks in my impression, the illustrations are lifelike and the children's attention is not focused. The illustrations can help the boring knowledge to attract the children's attention as much as possible, but this poisonous textbook has no such effect.

When "poisonous textbooks" appeared, a comment appeared like this: "It is recommended that radio and television review teaching materials, and the people who review teaching materials can help review film and television dramas." Although it was a joke. But now the pressure is on the radio and television side. In the recently aired film and television drama " My name is Liu Jinfeng ", many netizens found that the costumes of the characters in the drama are not like the traditional costumes of ancient my country, but more like Japanese style ( Japanese Wind), aroused heated discussion among the audience, and many viewers even reported it to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television overnight.

In order to avoid netizens' in-depth study of the cultural background, many current film and television dramas deliberately set aside the background of the story and just accept the Taoism. However, through the strong reaction of the audience, you can know that this drama has dealt with the bottom line of the audience. , and in addition to this fuse, this phenomenon also appeared in the upcoming drama "The Star". In the recently released poster, some viewers found that the male and female protagonists had bows tied on the back of their costumes, which was It is said that it draws lessons from Kimono. If the former "My Name is Liu Jinfeng" is a small online drama with limited production level, but the latter is a niche and a small flower that is highly praised by the platform. As an S+ ancient puppet drama, "Xinghan Brilliant" should be produced in terms of production. After careful research and criticism, the official quickly posted the picture, and netizens exclaimed, how did the radio and television pass the review?

At this time when the eyes of the whole people cannot be rubbed, this kind of "Japanese wind" actually commits crimes against the wind. As a Chinese, our cultural heritage is unmatched by other countries, but there are always some people who "make a fool of themselves". As a film and television drama, use One of the ways to spread culture, there is zero tolerance for such serious mistakes. As a cultural power, we should be more confident. Although there is no hatred between the country and the family in the face of culture, the excellent culture of our own country should be valued, not Go and learn from culturally barren lands.

today’s discussion: What do you think about borrowing culture? The

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