Want to be evaluated? Want to get promoted? Want to complete graduation requirements? Nowadays, more and more authors need to publish SCI papers, and SCI has become the focus of many people in the academic circle. However, everyone also knows that it is not easy to successfully p

Want to evaluate your job? Want to get promoted? Want to complete graduation requirements? Nowadays, more and more authors need to publish SCI papers, and SCI has become the focus of many people in the academic circle. However, everyone also knows that it is not easy to successfully publish an SCI article. Not only do you have to spend time doing experiments and writing papers, And it also takes effort to find publications to submit articles to. Today we will learn about the 6 details you should pay attention to when publishing SCI papers, so as to increase the success rate of submitting to SCI journals by 30%!

1. Determine the field of the paper and find a suitable journal.

Everyone knows that every journal is composed of multiple columns. In addition to choosing a journal, you must also know which column in the journal to submit. If the author is not sure that his article is suitable for publication, In which column, the author is reminded to look for articles included in the previous columns, compare them with his own articles, and finally determine the submission column. This can not only improve the review efficiency but also increase the article acceptance rate.

2. Do not submit too many articles to the same magazine in the short term

We have said before that multiple submissions are not allowed. In addition to submitting multiple articles, the editor also recommends that you try not to submit too many articles to the same magazine in a short period of time. There may be some authors who want to increase the acceptance rate and submit multiple articles to the same magazine at once. This approach is very undesirable. Not only will it fail to increase the acceptance rate, it may also reduce the success rate of the article. Why do you say this way? Because the number of manuscripts reviewed by the magazine is limited every day, if authors submit more manuscripts, they may not be reviewed quickly. In addition, the review editor may think that these articles may have been eliminated and hoarded.

3. Regarding the deadlines for journals

The deadlines for journals are generally divided into two types. One is the monthly submission time of the magazine, and the other is the deadline for temporary submissions. The former is a normal submission, even if you miss this issue. There will be another issue, but the temporary call for papers is closed, and the next issue is uncertain when it will be, so in this case, the author is required to do it sooner rather than later.

4. About the word count requirements of papers

Everyone needs to pay attention to the word count of articles. Different journals must have different word count requirements. For example, some journals like long articles, and some journals like short and concise articles. Different journals have different requirements. Pay attention to the submission instructions when submitting. It is best to control the word count according to the requirements of the journal and try to control it within the required word count range. Because the space of the journal is limited, if you write too much, you will eventually be asked to delete the excess.

5. Regarding the difference between paper acceptance and publication

Paper acceptance and publication are two different concepts. Acceptance means that the editorial board recognizes your paper and meets the requirements of this journal, and you are qualified to be published in this journal, but in the end Whether it can be successfully published still needs to wait for specific notification from the magazine. Paper publication means that the magazine publishes the article in the magazine and includes it in a database, such as the more authoritative domestic CNKI , and then it is considered a published paper.

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(Editor of this article: Wen Yan)