As a salesperson, if you read this picture carefully, you should be familiar with these six questions. I remember 14 years ago, when I first started working in sales, my supervisor gave us training on these six questions. I still remember it, but I didn’t expect that people are s

This picture, if you are in sales, read it carefully, you should be familiar with these 6 questions;

I remember 14 years ago, when I first started working in sales, my supervisor gave us training on these 6 questions ,

is still fresh in my memory. Unexpectedly, people are still using it until now;

, have you discovered that these 6 problems have a "fatal flaw"?

That is to say, you have to prove to the customer, you have to explain to the customer, and you have to ask him to trust you

Tell me, are you very passive? Are you licking a dog?

Does he know who you are?

Does he want to hear what you have to say?

What if the customer is like your wife: I don’t listen, I don’t listen, don’t give me an explanation, explanation is just a cover-up

What should you do?

Therefore, in sales in 2022, you have to change from passive to active.

Subvert these 6 questions:

1 Create your personal IP and let more people know who you are.

2 Let more people know who you are through articles, videos, and live broadcasts. Many people know what you are talking about.

3 Share your knowledge, your thinking, and your awesome results. Let them know the benefits of knowing you.

4 Show your success cases, customer praise, and the number of fans. Transaction amount, let him know that you are trustworthy,

5 Show your strong ability, layout ability, trading ability, problem-solving ability, let the customer think that you can solve his problem,

6 Show your principles and threshold , tell people, no matter who wants to cooperate with me, I will agree. If you want to cooperate with me, you must meet these 5 requirements...

When you achieve these 6 points, you will really master sales. If you have the initiative, customers will take the initiative to send you money, because

you have huge value that can be exploited.

Why, it is difficult for you to ask customers to pay, but he bargains for you?

Because he feels:

Your product is worthless, and you are worthless. He feels that spending so much money on your product is such a loss. Do you understand?

Just like many boys, why don’t they marry you?

He feels that your 100,000 yuan gift is too expensive and you are not worth so much money.

Isn’t it very heart-breaking?

This is both sales thinking and entrepreneurial thinking.

If you can't do these in sales, then customers will not value you and won't pay you.

If you can't do these in entrepreneurship, your Products cannot be sold because there are too many similar products and you have no differentiation.

Entrepreneurship fails because you cannot receive money.

Why can't you receive money?

Because your product cannot be sold, no one buys it

Why no one buys it?

Because the customer does not feel that your product has any value.

Why does he feel this way?

Because you did not create a particularly huge value and did not provide effective solutions in a very professional manner

Therefore, he believes that the products of his peers are more practical than yours


In the future, every salesperson will Everyone must have three major abilities

1 The ability to teach (output value, expand visibility)

2 The ability to attract traffic (attract accurate fans, accumulate accurate customers)

3 The ability to operate a community (build trust → passive transaction → automatic fission)

Think about it Think about it, do you have these three abilities?

No, it doesn’t matter. From today on, if you have this awareness, you will be ahead of 99% of the people who have not read this article.

Lay out your own layout and improve these three abilities.

Therefore, many people feel that making money is too difficult. Because you have never thought about improving your own value.

If you have no use value, who will give you money?


PS: Our Jinchanhui's "Special Training Camp for Lecturers" has already started, and we are stepping up our efforts to train a group of lecturers;

will continue to open "Special Training Camp for Traffic Drainage" and "Community Trading Training Camp" in the future.

Everyone will wait and see.


I am Jia Xiudong: a 13-year sales veteran;

"Golden Cicada Club" female intelligent entrepreneurial mentor;

author of "72 Stunts for Sales and Closing";

author of "1000 Common Sales Problems"

"A Complete Set of Sales Author of "Thinking System";