If you want to say which nation is the smartest in the world, it must be the Jews. There is a Nobel Prize Street in Tel Aviv, Israel. The 179 stone statues on the street are all Nobel Prize winners. Since the establishment of the Nobel Prize, Jews have won 19% of the chemistry pr

If you want to say which nation is the smartest in the world, it must be the Jews .

There is a Nobel Prize Street in Tel Aviv, Israel. The 179 stone statues on the street are all Nobel Prize winners. Since the establishment of the Nobel Prize, Jews have won 19% of the chemistry prizes, 26% of the physics prizes, 28% of the physiology prizes and medicine, and 41% of the economics prizes.

In non-scientific fields, Jews have also won 13% of the Nobel Prize for Literature , more than 1/3 of the Pulitzer Prize , more than 1/3 of the Oscars, and nearly 1/3 of the chess champions.

There are 7 billion people in the world, but there are only 17 million Jews, but Harvard one-third of the students are Jewish, more than 30% of the professors in the Ivy League are Jewish, Wall Street all investment banks were founded by Jews Yes, the Rothschild family is Jewish, the Federal Reserve is founded and controlled by Jews, and 30-40% of the owners of Fortune 100 companies are Jewish. In the United States, Jews, who make up less than 3 percent of the population, control more than 70 percent of the nation's wealth. Among the 100 most influential people in human history, Jews account for 7%.

The intellectual superiority of the Jews is recognized throughout the world, but the mystery of the outstanding Jewish wisdom has always been shrouded in mystery. So, what makes them so smart?

Research results show that the IQ of Jews is indeed higher than that of other races, but it is only a subtle difference, which is not enough to explain anything compared with their achievements. They never admit that their success is due to genetics, but due to the emphasis on education.

Jews throughout history have been persecuted, massacred, and expelled from European countries. Countless times, Jews have seen concerns about their racial superiority turn into discrimination and hatred against them. Therefore, for them, tangible assets have no meaning, only knowledge is something that no one can take away.

Jews are the only people in the world who are not illiterate. Even beggars cannot live without books. When the ancient Jews saw that the books were in tatters and could no longer be read, they dug a hole and buried the books solemnly, and their children were always involved at this time. They said to their children: "Books are living things. ”

The mother of a 6-year-old Jewish child will develop good living and reading habits from an early age. They will smear honey on books and let young babies lick them, teaching them that "books are sweet" from an early age, and even teach them that in the event of a fire, the first thing to save is not property, but wisdom, because with wisdom, they Only in this way can we continuously gain wealth.

Jews do not believe that success is an individual's exclusive property like Westerners do, nor do they force children to study in the name of the family like Easterners do. They just induce children to study spontaneously, and they will follow this principle even for the college entrance examination. Unlike in the East, the college entrance examination is not important in Israel. They don't need to study for exams. Students of all grades receive creative education, which fully stimulates their enthusiasm for learning and cultivates good ways of thinking.

. They believe that the essence of education should be a fire, igniting the enthusiasm for learning in children. Compulsory education methods will not help children's learning, nor will they require children to be admitted to prestigious universities. It is to create a comfortable learning environment for children and constantly encourage them. Jews do not interfere with their children's behavior, but carefully observe and guide their children to understand what they want to convey. Therefore, Jews are good at self-thinking and self-determined independent learning, and their self-esteem is also very strong.

The learning atmosphere in the Jewish school is very free, with constant discussions between teachers and students. In Israel, you will never find a quiet classroom. All teachers need constant discussion in class. In class, two or three people often get together and debate constantly. They believe that debate is the best way to learn. Parents will also let their children ask questions they don’t understand. They will say to their children: "If there is anything you are interested in, be sure to ask the teacher without hesitation." They will think that silence is a lack of desire to learn.

Jewish parents are the best teachers and role models for learning. Parents in the East will constantly urge their children to attend cram schools, but they will not improve themselves.In Judaism , Saturday is the Sabbath. Since the sun goes down on Friday night, all Jews go home and do not go out. The family sat together for a long Shabbat dinner, talking, laughing, and drinking. Fathers talk to each child individually on the Sabbath, instructing them on how to face life's difficulties. Develop their self-esteem, confidence and self-reliance.

Shakespeare said that books are the nutrition of the world.

Einstein read nearly 30,000 books while he was alive. After his death, his brain was donated. It was finally discovered that his parietal lobe temporal lobe intersection was indeed 15% larger than others, and his brain cells were also larger than others. There are many others. It aptly illustrates that reading makes people smart.

Zeng Guofan was famous for his martial arts. He destroyed the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and made immortal contributions. However, being able to obtain the posthumous title of 文正 was not only based on military exploits, but also on achievements in scholarship and personal cultivation that were admirable. Zeng Guofan was not only a military strategist and strategist, but also a Neo-Confucian and a litterateur. He believed that his great achievements were all due to reading. Zeng Guofan cultivated himself and became self-reliant when he was young. When he became an adult, he was granted the title of marquis and minister, and eventually became a great official in the border areas. However, he did not leave a considerable fortune and a hereditary official career to his descendants. Instead, he warned his descendants to encourage themselves, be independent, and study diligently.

It is enough to see that in the process of passing down our family's bloodline, wealth and status cannot be preserved. The only thing that can be passed down for centuries is wisdom and the accumulation of knowledge.